
Enter the Dust Universe

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Enter the Dust Universe badge

Enter the realm of the unknown and explore the alternate Space Dust universes.

In the original universe, Space Dust IPA was first brewed in 2012 as a one-off at our innovation brewpub, Elysian Fields. The beer grew in popularity within our pubs, was bottled in our Manic Series, and eventually became our #1 beer.

In 2022, Space Dust's alter ego split off into a deeper, danker universe. Dank Dust was born and brought a new level of herbal complexity and depth to the Space Dust family.

As an interdimensional beer traveler, you can explore not only the original Space Dust universe but also the Dank Dust universe. So, hop on board and experience the delicious flavors of this ever-expanding metaverse.

Use the Elysian Beer finder to find a Dust variant near you:

How to earn this badge: Check in both Space Dust IPA and Dank Dust IPA by Elysian Brewing between April 1st and May 1st, 2023.