Nine Lives Is Not the Limit label

Nine Lives Is Not the Limit

ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions)

Collaboration with Rustique Pivasique

Stout - Imperial / Double Pastry

Total (?) 116

Unique (?) 113

Monthly (?) 0

You 0

15% ABV

40 IBU


103 Ratings

This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.

Small batch imperial stout brewed with lactose, Macadamia nuts and coconut. Availabl Show More
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Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions)

E P is drinking a Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions)

Viigimarjade alko lõhnas. Maitses pähklite kuivus. Libiseb ohtlikult

Bottle Bottle

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Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions)

Marat Settarov is drinking a Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions) at Share House

Ну вполне ЗБС. Орешки хуешки рад что удалось опробовать,

Purchased at Craft Republic

Taster Taster

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Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions)

Михаил Васильковский is drinking a Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions) at Сafé Études

Purchased at Craft Republic

Draft Draft

9 лет на крафтовой игле Earned the 9 лет на крафтовой игле badge!
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Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions)

Anton K is drinking a Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions) at Craft Republic

Очень сладко, ультрадесерт, орехи (грецкий, пекан), а оказалась макадамия. Ну я такой не жевал, хех. Вкусняха, но тяжеловат по сахару, аж нутро наполняется сиропом. Коллабище.

Draft Draft

Better Together (Level 56) Earned the Better Together (Level 56) badge!

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Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions)

Александр Логвин is drinking a Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions) at Craft Republic

Draft Draft

Better Together (Level 24) Earned the Better Together (Level 24) badge! Draft City (Level 70) Earned the Draft City (Level 70) badge! Heavy Weight (Level 32) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 32) badge! Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 26) Earned the Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 26) badge!
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Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions)

Александр is drinking a Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions) at Craft Republic

Вчера. Какао и орехи. Мягкий и сливочный имперец

Draft Draft

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Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions)

Goodzon Anton is drinking a Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions) at Craft Republic

Оценка может и не очень объективная, но пох) Спасибо большое за пиво! Традиционно закончилось первым из крепких.

Draft Draft

Stout Day (2023) Earned the Stout Day (2023) badge!
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Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions)

Outlaw Serpent is drinking a Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions) at Craft Republic

Purchased at Craft Republic

Draft Draft

9 лет на крафтовой игле (Level 3) Earned the 9 лет на крафтовой игле (Level 3) badge! Better Together (Level 70) Earned the Better Together (Level 70) badge! Dessert Time! (Level 38) Earned the Dessert Time! (Level 38) badge!

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Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions)

Irina Whitebeard is drinking a Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions) at Craft Republic

Очень орехово

Purchased at Craft Republic

Draft Draft

Brewery Pioneer (Level 83) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 83) badge! Draft City (Level 65) Earned the Draft City (Level 65) badge! 2X (Level 68) Earned the 2X (Level 68) badge!
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Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions)

Pavel WhiteBeard is drinking a Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions) at Craft Republic

2-5. Орех свежевыжатый

Purchased at Craft Republic

Draft Draft

Better Together (Level 53) Earned the Better Together (Level 53) badge!
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Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions)

Denis S. is drinking a Nine Lives Is Not the Limit by ZBS Project (Zen Brewing Solutions) at Craft Republic

Хорошо. Но сладости чуть больше, чем хотелось бы.

Draft Draft

Better Together (Level 70) Earned the Better Together (Level 70) badge!

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