John C: The more you know! 🌠
4.8% ABV
251 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Mike Mctgue is drinking a Windmill Kolsch by Windmill Brewing at Untappd at Home
Kelly Jurkowski is drinking a Windmill Kolsch by Windmill Brewing at Untappd at Home
Enjoying a beer as I grade papers...
Doug Pellegrini is drinking a Windmill Kolsch by Windmill Brewing at Untappd at Home
Josh Groesser is drinking a Windmill Kolsch by Windmill Brewing at Untappd at Home
Josh Groesser is drinking a Windmill Kolsch by Windmill Brewing at Untappd at Home
PetroPower is drinking a Windmill Kolsch by Windmill Brewing at Hunter's Brewing
Nice clean summer beer.
Tim Stumpff is drinking a Windmill Kolsch by Windmill Brewing at Untappd at Home
Down to my last 4 cans from this now defunct brewery. Working in some pool time in between rain and enjoying every drop
Brock S is drinking a Windmill Kolsch by Windmill Brewing at Hunter's Brewing
Purchased at Hunter's Brewing
Ross Bonjernoor is drinking a Windmill Kolsch by Windmill Brewing
Not a bad Kölsch. A little dry with a musty finish. Thanks Chris!
Evan Austin is drinking a Windmill Kolsch by Windmill Brewing at Hunter's Brewing
A bit on the lighter side for a kolsch. There’s some weird vegetable-like flavor, like a sweet carrot, that I can’t quite place
Purchased at Hunter's Brewing
Doug Pellegrini is drinking a Windmill Kolsch by Windmill Brewing at Untappd at Home
Jamie Collier is drinking a Windmill Kolsch by Windmill Brewing at Brewhouse 41
Last windmill tap take over 🥲, beer is soo good they will be missed 🍻
Josh Groesser is drinking a Windmill Kolsch by Windmill Brewing at Brewhouse 41
Bill is drinking a Windmill Kolsch by Windmill Brewing at Gigglesnort Hotel
It's funny where Monday night conversations will lead you. I was absolutely sure that a FuckTon was bigger than a ShitLoad so I looked it up. Now you know too. Knowledge Is Power paired with my last four pack of the delicious & nutritious Windmill Kolsch.