Von: ooooh that label hit the right note
6.9% ABV
203 Ratings
Jon Gober is drinking an Après Estate Wheat Ale by Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery at Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery
Purchased at Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery
Jon Phillips is drinking an Après Estate Wheat Ale by Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery at The Wine Reserve at Waterford
Bigger orange, wildly drinkable at 8%, most pleasant bomber to pop in a long time
Von: ooooh that label hit the right note
Jon Phillips: Von yeah it’s sexiest Wheatland label to date
Brian is drinking an Après Estate Wheat Ale by Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery at Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery
"Can you open cans here?" "No." "What about bottles?" "Of course." "Well what's the difference?" "Sir, this is a farm. I don't think I need to explain this further."
Dylan Bayouth is drinking an Après Estate Wheat Ale by Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery
Linda Beezie is drinking an Après Estate Wheat Ale by Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery at Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery
A J W is drinking an Après Estate Wheat Ale by Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery
Ben Wicker is drinking an Après Estate Wheat Ale by Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery at Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery
Everescent, orange zesty, super refreshing and drinkable. Little funk on the dunk. I like it. Belgian
Purchased at Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery
Jon Gober is drinking an Après Estate Wheat Ale by Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery at Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery
Purchased at Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery
Wansi Habte is drinking an Après Estate Wheat Ale by Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery at Beef & Brew
Kyle Chiavetta is drinking an Après Estate Wheat Ale by Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery at Untappd at Home
Tastes like a hefeweizen at points, one of my favorite beer styles
Jeannine G is drinking an Après Estate Wheat Ale by Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery
Claudine Jones-Bourne is drinking an Après Estate Wheat Ale by Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery at Sapsuckers Hops & Grub
Keith Spahr is drinking an Après Estate Wheat Ale by Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery at Sapsuckers Hops & Grub
Purchased at Sapsuckers Hops & Grub
Jeannine G is drinking an Après Estate Wheat Ale by Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery
Cupcake popup. Why bottles of this 😭