Andrew Elstgeest: Echt een volle 5 ???
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Menno Schepers is drinking an Aloha Olivia by Westside Brewing (home brew) at Untappd at Home
Menno Schepers: Andrew E. dit is een home brew van een vriend, dus wel zo beleefd dacht ik 🤣 maar hij is trouwens echt heel lekker! Heerlijke Neipa

Gavin Gray is drinking an Aloha Olivia by Westside Brewing (home brew)
So amazing.

David West-Talarek is drinking an Aloha Olivia by Westside Brewing (home brew) at Untappd at Home

Giovanni M. is drinking an Aloha Olivia by Westside Brewing (home brew) at Untappd at Home
Nose still recovering from Corona, but the beer definitely delivers what it promises. Lots of tropical flavours, coconut, pineapple. Juicy and quite fizzy, a lovely one.
Welcome Olivia 🥰