Anders Norell: I got lots of stubborn sediment at the bottom. Will be saved to spike a cheap macro beer.
9% ABV
375 Ratings
Charles Chen is drinking an Ultima by West Coast Brewing at iBrew-Beer愛釀手作麥酒
Weiche Hsu is drinking an Ultima by West Coast Brewing at iBrew-Beer Bistro
Yuta K is drinking an Ultima by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home
shiro myojo is drinking an Ultima by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home
hop dudeという種族がいて、Full hop alchemistという職能があって、その中の1人のレジェンドがUltimaさん、というストーリーなんかな。Mr.Dの方のリリースノートにはそんな世界観が記されてるような。これも萎む前に。いや、まだまだ迸っているよ。QDHそうそうに出ないでしょうけど、また次回を期待しています。
Purchased at West Coast Brewing
001 Brewery is drinking an Ultima by West Coast Brewing at Beer To Go (啤酒土狗)
Jess Cheng is drinking an Ultima by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Crafted Beer & Co. 精釀啤酒屋
David Lim is drinking an Ultima by West Coast Brewing at Beer To Go (啤酒土狗)
I’ve made it here after a long while. Good beer after a really freaking long day. I’m not gonna bitch coz this is the best thing for my freaking long day
Purchased at Beer To Go (啤酒土狗)
Anders Norell is drinking an Ultima by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home
Tasty but far behind the Taihu Commander. This is more of a one-trick-hazy. Two months old, I could very well imagine this was ultimate in its first two weeks. Now the taste is just a fuzzy snapshot like an Event Horizon corona.
Purchased at Beer To Go (啤酒土狗)
Anders Norell: I got lots of stubborn sediment at the bottom. Will be saved to spike a cheap macro beer.
Yuta K is drinking an Ultima by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home
Dennis Diaz is drinking an Ultima by West Coast Brewing
Hak Tar is drinking an Ultima by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at WCB DARK LAB (West Coast Brewing)
Nahatame is drinking an Ultima by West Coast Brewing
政諺 吳 is drinking an Ultima by West Coast Brewing at 魚火巷精釀餐酒 Flaming Fish Alley Craft Beer Bistro
Purchased at 魚火巷精釀餐酒 Flaming Fish Alley Craft Beer Bistro
Purchased at Isetan Underground Food Section (伊勢丹 地下食品売場)