5% ABV
327 Ratings
ツジ is drinking a Backyard Legend by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home
HIRO4869 is drinking a Backyard Legend by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home
Thomas Sheehan is drinking a Backyard Legend by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home
Owen Matthews is drinking a Backyard Legend by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home
u16 skmt is drinking a Backyard Legend by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at West Coast Brewing
Neil Juggins is drinking a Backyard Legend by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home
Another West Coast brew that is hoppy and fruity on the nose and to taste. This hazy pale ale is quite bitter, but very juicy and fruity, with tropical and citrus notes (grapefruit certainly, and a bit of pineapple). Somewhat piney and refreshing. Good.
Purchased at city'super
Vincent To is drinking a Backyard Legend by West Coast Brewing
Trevor Grimsey is drinking a Backyard Legend by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at city'super
Jason Cancell is drinking a Backyard Legend by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home
Kinda funky with a lychee, jackfruit and peach flavor.
Purchased at city'super
Shuhei Ishikawa is drinking a Backyard Legend by West Coast Brewing
Backyard Legends / WEST COAST BREWING ライチのようなトロピカル感とグレープフルーツの苦味。 爽やかフルーティなペールエールで、冷えた状態でキュッと飲むのも美味しい。
Hiroyuki Tashiro is drinking a Backyard Legend by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home
Kei MAEDA is drinking a Backyard Legend by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home
香り、レモンとかグレープフルーツっぽい 味、グレープフルーツとその皮のあたり 苦味が皮のあたりをイメージさせるかな? ドライでスッキリ飲みやすいヘイジー
leojojo is drinking a Backyard Legend by West Coast Brewing at OASIS / West Coast Brewing
Purchased at OASIS / West Coast Brewing
Kaichieh Hsu is drinking a Backyard Legend by West Coast Brewing at WCB DARK LAB (West Coast Brewing)
Purchased at WCB DARK LAB (West Coast Brewing)
kazuyuki_mori is drinking a Backyard Legend by West Coast Brewing at Untappd at Home