3.4% ABV
419 Ratings
Petri Kvist is drinking a Low Altitude by Vocation Brewery at Untappd at Home
Lucia Caragiov is drinking a Low Altitude by Vocation Brewery at Untappd at Home
Chris H is drinking a Low Altitude by Vocation Brewery at Untappd at Home
I really like this. It's not full of wow but it's. Table beer. It's refreshing, it's full of flavour. It's a decent sinker and only 3.4%
Bram van Roosmalen is drinking a Low Altitude by Vocation Brewery at Van Moll
Federico is drinking a Low Altitude by Vocation Brewery at Van Moll
Daan is drinking a Low Altitude by Vocation Brewery at Van Moll
Veel hop en fruit. Positief verrast!
Mink is drinking a Low Altitude by Vocation Brewery at Van Moll
Igor Jeremic is drinking a Low Altitude by Vocation Brewery at Van Moll
As one poet said, I am the table
Janos is drinking a Low Altitude by Vocation Brewery at Van Moll
Joris Van Esch is drinking a Low Altitude by Vocation Brewery at Van Moll
Voor 3.4% is dit prima. Mooi fruitig/hoppig aroma, fris, dorstlessend, mineraal droog bittertje. Zou het - rated by style - bijna een 4 geven. Bijna ….
Elwin Lee is drinking a Low Altitude by Vocation Brewery at Van Moll
Robin Ariëns is drinking a Low Altitude by Vocation Brewery at Van Moll
Purchased at Van Moll
About as good as it can get for 2.8%.