6.9% ABV
14,388 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
6.9% ABV
14,388 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Kim Belsey is drinking a Breakfast Club by Vocation Brewery at Vocation & Co Sheffield
Muddled rich nose... chocolate bright balanced 7/10. And 6.9%
Purchased at Vocation & Co Sheffield
Maciej Olszak is drinking a Breakfast Club by Vocation Brewery at Society
Rasmus Widemann is drinking a Breakfast Club by Vocation Brewery at SKAAL
Anders Mørck is drinking a Breakfast Club by Vocation Brewery at SKAAL
Dr.Obbb is drinking a Breakfast Club by Vocation Brewery at Untappd at Home
Probably even better when I bought it 5 years ago. 🇬🇧
busyb0x is drinking a Breakfast Club by Vocation Brewery at Untappd at Home
Pas mal mais pas la meilleur des stout pastry
Purchased at La Loupiote
Matt Sullivan is drinking a Breakfast Club by Vocation Brewery at Untappd at Home
The joys of Christmas, finding a three years out of date stout at the back of a cupboard. It's stood up OK, still some blueberry flavour there.
Purchased at Tesco
Dan Francis is drinking a Breakfast Club by Vocation Brewery
fletchy2000 is drinking a Breakfast Club by Vocation Brewery
Purchased at Society
Imdownthepub is drinking a Breakfast Club by Vocation Brewery
Dec '19. Canned, 440ml from Tesco in Banbury, Oxon.
Shane J is drinking a Breakfast Club by Vocation Brewery
LCI no rating
Purchased at Page Bottler
Waingro is drinking a Breakfast Club by Vocation Brewery
LCI 2018.
Marilyn is drinking a Breakfast Club by Vocation Brewery at Untappd at Home
Guess I've had this one sitting around for a while!
Ross McGill is drinking a Breakfast Club by Vocation Brewery at Untappd at Home
Emma M is drinking a Breakfast Club by Vocation Brewery at Untappd at Home
Paul Lowe is drinking a Breakfast Club by Vocation Brewery