Luther label


Viborg Bryghus

Belgian Strong Golden Ale

Total (?) 842

Unique (?) 695

Monthly (?) 7

You 0

10.1% ABV

37 IBU


645 Ratings

Belgisk-inspireret munkeøl med sødlig aroma, frugtagtig smag og blød mundoplevelse, Show More
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Luther by Viborg Bryghus

Vivi Gammelmark is drinking a Luther by Viborg Bryghus at Dalum Landbrugsskole

Bottle Bottle

Fields of Gold (Level 39) Earned the Fields of Gold (Level 39) badge!
Luther by Viborg Bryghus

Anne Mette Elneff is drinking a Luther by Viborg Bryghus at Viborg Bryghus

Sød og tung

Purchased at Viborg Bryghus

Taster Taster

Sky's the Limit (Level 48) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 48) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

Luther by Viborg Bryghus

Thor Schøning is drinking a Luther by Viborg Bryghus at Rockabilly Bar

Virkelig solid, dejlig fyldig karamel og amber så det brager, men måske er jeg bare ikke alt for stor fan af belgiske øl.

Purchased at Rockabilly Bar

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 7) Earned the Draft City (Level 7) badge!
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Check-in Photo

Luther by Viborg Bryghus

Vagner Christensen is drinking a Luther by Viborg Bryghus at Rockabilly Bar

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 20) Earned the Draft City (Level 20) badge!
Luther by Viborg Bryghus

Mikebeerandgoodlife is drinking a Luther by Viborg Bryghus at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Brewery Pioneer (Level 52) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 52) badge!
Luther by Viborg Bryghus

Flyvemaskine1 is drinking a Luther by Viborg Bryghus at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Sky's the Limit (Level 4) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 4) badge! Iron Man (Level 2) Earned the Iron Man (Level 2) badge!
Luther by Viborg Bryghus

Dan is drinking a Luther by Viborg Bryghus at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Verified Adventure (Level 16) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 16) badge! Iron Man (Level 3) Earned the Iron Man (Level 3) badge!

Check-in Photo

Luther by Viborg Bryghus

Marko van Bemmel is drinking a Luther by Viborg Bryghus at Spar 10 Motel

Bottle Bottle

Fields of Gold (Level 74) Earned the Fields of Gold (Level 74) badge! Danish Delight (Level 17) Earned the Danish Delight (Level 17) badge!

Check-in Photo

Luther by Viborg Bryghus

Lau Lindquist is drinking a Luther by Viborg Bryghus at Untappd at Home

Satme fin

Bottle Bottle

Sky's the Limit (Level 2) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 2) badge! 99 Bottles (Level 18) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 18) badge! Fields of Gold Earned the Fields of Gold badge!
Tagged Friends
Luther by Viborg Bryghus

JuiceGzuz is drinking a Luther by Viborg Bryghus at Untappd at Home

Stadig stærk, stadig vildt god

Bottle Bottle

Tagged Friends
Luther by Viborg Bryghus

beerOholic69 is drinking a Luther by Viborg Bryghus at Untappd at Home

Lutter kunne mere en bare at banke nogle bud på en kirke. 

Bottle Bottle

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