4.8% ABV
3,426 Ratings
Raf Vandeweyer is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing
Purchased at BeerVikings
markus müller is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing at Untappd at Home
zimt, saure kirsche und rote trauben in der nase. später lebkuchen. trocken im antrunk. zimt und herbe traube im mund. dann wieder trocken und süsssaure kirsche. herb würzig im abgang. etwas zu zimtig für meinen geschmack
Michael Schmidt is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing at Untappd at Home
Pierre Breton is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing at Untappd at Home
Chris Rigby is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing at The in-laws
Do vault city actually do any bad beers This is quality Subtle spiced and then big hit of cherry 🍒
Purchased at House Of Trembling Madness
Phillip Gill is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing at Untappd at Home
Gary Cohen is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing at Untappd at Home
Love dark cherry sour!
Purchased at The Crafty Lodge
Rositsa Kirova is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing at Crafter Bar - Craft Beer & Drinks
Rene Horstmann is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing at Crafter Bar - Craft Beer & Drinks
Glühwein trifft Bier trifft Nelke. Nelke sehr dominant, wenig restsüße von der Kirsche.
Ianis Vasilev is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing at Crafter Bar - Craft Beer & Drinks
peyo-beers is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing
Purchased at Crafter Bar - Craft Beer & Drinks
Frederik Westergaard is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Kihoskh
birohunter is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing at Crafter Bar - Craft Beer & Drinks
Purchased at Crafter Bar - Craft Beer & Drinks
Ymke is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing at Untappd at Home
Joy Bray is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing at Things Happen Here
Ben Lenanton is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing at Little Drop of Poison
Definitely get a mulled vibe. Good beer, worth a go.
Purchased at Little Drop of Poison
Martin Miliev is drinking a Mulled Dark Cherry by Vault City Brewing at Crafter Bar - Craft Beer & Drinks
Purchased at Crafter Bar - Craft Beer & Drinks
Cherry and cinnamon, is there a better Christmas sour?