GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale label

GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale

Varvar Brew

Grape Ale - Other

Total (?) 412

Unique (?) 398

Monthly (?) 0

You 0

10.5% ABV

19 IBU


353 Ratings

Strong BA ale with Merlot grapes
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GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Oleksandr is drinking a GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Ель з ароматом червоного винограду сорту Мерло. У післясмаку є солодові ноти. Алкоголь 10.5% абсолютно не відчувається. Кислинка від винограду відсутня.

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GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Дмитро Сагайдачний is drinking a GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew at Untappd at Home

Налив 15.09.2022. На фоні інших доволі просте. Терпкість, помірна кислотність, алкоголь вже вельми виразний.

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Support for Ukraine (Level 62) Earned the Support for Ukraine (Level 62) badge!

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GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Oleg is drinking a GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew at Untappd at Home

На запах як легеньке сухе вино. Смак солодкувато-виноградний, немов напівсухе. Приємний посмак. Алкоголь дійсно не відчувається

Purchased at Varvar Bar

Bottle Bottle

Support for Ukraine (Level 76) Earned the Support for Ukraine (Level 76) badge! New Brew Thursday  (Level 36) Earned the New Brew Thursday (Level 36) badge!

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GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Sonya Partsevskaya is drinking a GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew at Untappd at Home

Цікаве, хоч і спокійне, зате дуже питке, і алко зовсім невідчутне. В смаку виноград і трошки в'ялених фруктів на фоні, бочка розкрилась приємною танінністю і ненав'язливою деревною терпкістю. Я б таке пила навіть не один раз) бо смачне 🖤 #800

Purchased at Varvar Bar

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Untappd at Home (Level 59) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 59) badge! Support for Ukraine (Level 91) Earned the Support for Ukraine (Level 91) badge!

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GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Valeriy Arsenenko is drinking a GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Lisopylka

Bottle Bottle

Support for Ukraine (Level 45) Earned the Support for Ukraine (Level 45) badge! Hopped Down (Level 35) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 35) badge!
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GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Vasyl Stopin is drinking a GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Ніжний фруктово-ягідний аромат, з тонами червоного вина і відтінками ванілі. Смак сухий, різкий, з легкими солодовими відтінками і ягідною легкою кислинкою. У посмаку сухе вино, тона полуничного варення, терпка травʼяна гіркота і легкий опік алкоголю.

Purchased at Varvar Brewery

Bottle Bottle

Support for Ukraine (Level 45) Earned the Support for Ukraine (Level 45) badge! Budmo (Level 80) Earned the Budmo (Level 80) badge!

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GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

rslnnnnnn is drinking a GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew at Lviv Craft Beer University of St. Christopher

Purchased at Lviv Craft Beer University of St. Christopher

Draft Draft

Support for Ukraine (Level 9) Earned the Support for Ukraine (Level 9) badge! Verified Adventure (Level 35) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 35) badge! Hopped Down (Level 16) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 16) badge!
GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Vincent Vega is drinking a GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Purchased at Drunken Duck

Bottle Bottle

Support for Ukraine (Level 11) Earned the Support for Ukraine (Level 11) badge! To Go Please (Level 14) Earned the To Go Please (Level 14) badge! Budmo (Level 52) Earned the Budmo (Level 52) badge!
GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Viktor Koval is drinking a GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew at Untappd at Home

#952 Не моє . Виноград віддає присмаком домашнього шмурдяка. Доволі брудний і не зрозумілий,особисто мені смак. Витримка зробила його кращим,і додала хоч якоїсь цікавої нотки і смаку.

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Support for Ukraine (Level 56) Earned the Support for Ukraine (Level 56) badge! Verified Adventure (Level 70) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 70) badge!
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GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

BrewFeeling is drinking a GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew at Untappd at Home

Цікаво. Виноградне, не занадто кисле, сухе, терпке. Не мій смак.

Purchased at Varvar Bar

Bottle Bottle

Untappd at Home (Level 21) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 21) badge! Support for Ukraine (Level 17) Earned the Support for Ukraine (Level 17) badge! Hopped Down (Level 8) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 8) badge!

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GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Bohdan Lialka is drinking a GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew at Untappd at Home

Цікаве, винограду багато, але різкувате.

Bottle Bottle

GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Denis Y is drinking a GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew at Untappd at Home


Bottle Bottle

Podium Party (2024) Earned the Podium Party (2024) badge! Support for Ukraine (Level 10) Earned the Support for Ukraine (Level 10) badge! Sky's the Limit (Level 67) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 67) badge!
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GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Lana Mo is drinking a GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Podium Party (2024) Earned the Podium Party (2024) badge! Support for Ukraine (Level 11) Earned the Support for Ukraine (Level 11) badge! Sky's the Limit (Level 43) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 43) badge! Hopped Down (Level 94) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 94) badge!
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GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

termitboss is drinking a GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Bottle Bottle

Support for Ukraine (Level 11) Earned the Support for Ukraine (Level 11) badge! Hopped Down (Level 10) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 10) badge!
GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Кей is drinking a GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew at Untappd at Home

Приємне, трішки терпке, алкоголь не відчувається в смаку, але на посмаку відчутно зігріває, пляшка 981 прекрасна

Bottle Bottle

Untappd at Home (Level 26) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 26) badge! Support for Ukraine (Level 22) Earned the Support for Ukraine (Level 22) badge! Sky's the Limit Earned the Sky's the Limit badge! 99 Bottles (Level 11) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 11) badge! Wheel of Styles (Level 14) Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 14) badge!

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GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew

Luke Sutton is drinking a GRAPELOGY: Merlot Barrel Aged Triple Grape Ale by Varvar Brew at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Support for Ukraine (Level 47) Earned the Support for Ukraine (Level 47) badge! Budmo (Level 10) Earned the Budmo (Level 10) badge!

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