126P label


UGAR Brewery

Lager - Other

Total (?) 29

Unique (?) 26

Monthly (?) 6

You 0

5.2% ABV

15 IBU


23 Ratings

Own beer of the Kispolszki Polish themed pub. Following the polish tradition of brew Show More
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126P by UGAR Brewery

Barnabas Deak is drinking a 126P by UGAR Brewery at kispolszki

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 38) Earned the Draft City (Level 38) badge!
126P by UGAR Brewery

Csontos Enikő is drinking a 126P by UGAR Brewery at kispolszki

Draft Draft

Lager Jack (Level 15) Earned the Lager Jack (Level 15) badge! That's for Sör! (Level 94) Earned the That's for Sör! (Level 94) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

126P by UGAR Brewery

Dániel Forgács is drinking a 126P by UGAR Brewery at kispolszki

Purchased at kispolszki

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 43) Earned the Draft City (Level 43) badge!

Check-in Photo

126P by UGAR Brewery

Márton Mód is drinking a 126P by UGAR Brewery at kispolszki

Draft Draft

Middle of the Road (Level 60) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 60) badge!

Check-in Photo

126P by UGAR Brewery

Ranc0r is drinking a 126P by UGAR Brewery

Kellemesen karcos Pils

Purchased at kispolszki

Draft Draft

Wheel of Styles (Level 6) Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 6) badge!

Check-in Photo

126P by UGAR Brewery

Dris is drinking a 126P by UGAR Brewery at kispolszki

Draft Draft

Barrel-Aged Beer Day (2024) Earned the Barrel-Aged Beer Day (2024) badge!
Tagged Friends
126P by UGAR Brewery

Pal Bodogh Szabo is drinking a 126P by UGAR Brewery at kispolszki

Finom zamata van, ami késòbb jön elő

Barrel-Aged Beer Day (2024) Earned the Barrel-Aged Beer Day (2024) badge! Hopped Down Earned the Hopped Down badge! Photogenic Brew (Level 4) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 4) badge!

Check-in Photo

126P by UGAR Brewery

czirkodavid is drinking a 126P by UGAR Brewery at kispolszki

Draft Draft

Lager Jack (Level 3) Earned the Lager Jack (Level 3) badge! That's for Sör! (Level 5) Earned the That's for Sör! (Level 5) badge!
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