Neil Kosciak: Avg 4.41 score and you come dropping the 2.75!!
9.1% ABV
12,026 Ratings
Darryl Kosciak is drinking a Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Tree House Brewing Company at Jolly Pumpkin
This beer is nothing close to the description. I’m wondering if it skunked or the wrong one. Wild ale yeast jumps right out. And it is a Nice mellow sour. More Belgian than stout. No chocolate and I am searching for it. No PB. No sweet. No fullness.
Purchased at Jolly Pumpkin
Neil Kosciak: Avg 4.41 score and you come dropping the 2.75!!
Ryan Damery is drinking a Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Tree House Brewing Company at Jolly Pumpkin
This is the most interesting beer I've tasted in a long time, maybe ever. The stout flavors aren't there at first when I did a couple of tasters, but I pulled the trigger on a full pour and do not regret it. It is a sour stout and somehow it's working.
Ethan Whitney is drinking a Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Tree House Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Tree House Brewing Co.
aleiajan is drinking a Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Tree House Brewing Company
Jeremy is drinking a Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Tree House Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Tree House Brewing Co.
Kyle Zess is drinking a Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Tree House Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Pretty good after aging for four years!
Purchased at Tree House Brewing Co.
Douglas K. is drinking a Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Tree House Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Aly C is drinking a Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Tree House Brewing Company at Camp Hayward
radbike74 is drinking a Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Tree House Brewing Company
Matt Britton is drinking a Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Tree House Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
David Crossman is drinking a Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Tree House Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Brian Alderfer: Would not have been me. Sure you didn’t buy it yourself?
Sidney is drinking a Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Tree House Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Tree House Brewing Co.
tim masterson is drinking a Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Tree House Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Brad is drinking a Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Tree House Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
From notes on ratebeer.
Davey Van de Weyer is drinking a Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Tree House Brewing Company at bpost
Sam Hensen is drinking a Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Tree House Brewing Company at De Struise Brouwers
Purchased at Capt. Cook's