9.2% ABV
18,423 Ratings
9.2% ABV
18,423 Ratings
KHMc is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company at City Park Gaming and Brew Room
Touch Sungkawichai is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
super good ipa, a little too sweet (which is why it's good ig)
Jake SB is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Jon Ellis is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
The vanilla milk maid hid the booze
Phil Carpenter is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company at Lighthouse Canton
Jennifer Tanner is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company at City Park Gaming and Brew Room
Purchased at City Park Gaming and Brew Room
Rachel Krumheuer Walter is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company at City Park Gaming and Brew Room
Chris Dimmer is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Tavour
Andrew Yeager is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company at Pines Public House & Eatery
Not a huge fan of milkshakes
Khat Pouliot is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company
Ryan Pouliot is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Corey Watson is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Carwyn Cellars
Matt S is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Picture is a little blurry, like my vision 😜
Henri A is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Für mich begeistert‘s erstmal direkt über das Mundgefühl: cremig, weich, geschmeidig. Durch die kräftigen Zitrusaromen und die Bitterkeit dann fast etwas spritzig. Fruchtig süß. Zitrus, Ananas, Mango. Im Abgang veredelt dann die Vanille. Süffig, lecker!
Purchased at House Of Beers
Brad Curl is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Shawn Price is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company
Michelle Engelhaupt is drinking a Milkshake IPA (Double Extra Vanilla) by Tired Hands Brewing Company at Wookie Hops Barrel Room