7.9% ABV
19 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Mark Jopson is drinking a Brew Long by Three Valleys Brewery at Buffer Stops
Martin Holmes is drinking a Brew Long by Three Valleys Brewery at The Cabin - Nano Bar
Purchased at The Cabin - Nano Bar
Mike Taylor is drinking a Brew Long by Three Valleys Brewery at Rigg's Farm Shop
Purchased at Rigg's Farm Shop
Andrew Rodbourne is drinking a Brew Long by Three Valleys Brewery at The Cabin - Nano Bar
Purchased at The Cabin - Nano Bar
Dave is drinking a Brew Long by Three Valleys Brewery at Sheffield CAMRA Steel City Beer & Cider Festival
Third. Fruity, fairly sweet, quite syrupy, hides the strength. Turned out to be a barley wine
Raymond Smith is drinking a Brew Long by Three Valleys Brewery at Sheffield CAMRA Steel City Beer & Cider Festival
Gill Smith is drinking a Brew Long by Three Valleys Brewery at Sheffield CAMRA Steel City Beer & Cider Festival
Ian Duggan is drinking a Brew Long by Three Valleys Brewery at Sheffield CAMRA Steel City Beer & Cider Festival
Does not taste its strength not bad
Purchased at Sheffield CAMRA Steel City Beer & Cider Festival
Lucy Kucharik is drinking a Brew Long by Three Valleys Brewery at Sheffield CAMRA Steel City Beer & Cider Festival
Josh Thompson is drinking a Brew Long by Three Valleys Brewery at Sheffield CAMRA Steel City Beer & Cider Festival
Get the strong ones on the first night before they go...
Christopher Smith is drinking a Brew Long by Three Valleys Brewery at Sheffield CAMRA Steel City Beer & Cider Festival
A very nice strong bitter like ale.
Saul McIntyre is drinking a Brew Long by Three Valleys Brewery at Sheffield CAMRA Steel City Beer & Cider Festival
The Scarecrow is drinking a Brew Long by Three Valleys Brewery at Rawtenstall Market
All hail Matthew Wade. I smell a one nil lead in the Ashes.
Purchased at Rawtenstall Market