6.5% ABV
732 Ratings
Kent Lepper is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Third Moon Brewing Co.
Pepijn Sissau is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company at Kaffee Bazaar
Nick Fowler is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Thomas Cass is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Jesse Willaert is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company
Maciej Morawski is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company
Grube rozczarowanie. Zapach dziwny i słaby, smak dziwny i intensywny. Bardziej aromaty "surowego" słodu niż kawy i czekolady, wychodzący alkohol, sporo nut dziwnych, trudnych do nazwania i niezbyt miłych. Może nie jest złe, ale góra średnie.
Joe Pilot is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
DIANE PAUWELS is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company at Kaffee Bazaar
Purchased at Kaffee Bazaar
lucendiane Pauwels is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company at Kaffee Bazaar
Purchased at Kaffee Bazaar
Emily Monroe is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
DND + stout >
Devon Lansdell is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Peter risbey is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Simon Pratt is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company at SalamaNation
Meeki Meekio is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company at Kaffee Bazaar
Purchased at Kaffee Bazaar
Santeri Hiltunen is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company at SalamaNation
AM is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company at SalamaNation
trevor tacchi is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Oatmeal with toasted coconut Stoutsational.. from. Canada.
Purchased at Cambridge CAMRA Beer Festival
Mark Shannon is drinking a Serpent Tears by Third Moon Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Spring and stouts don't always go together, but when you have one as balanced and smooth as this, why the hell not? It's light and refreshing but still tastes roasted and dark. The perfect warm weather stout!
Purchased at Third Moon Brewing Co.
Making stew with fridge stouts 🤷 1/2
Purchased at Third Moon Brewing Co.