Elizabeth Wall: I thought they only brewed that for Paddy's Day... 🤔
4.2% ABV
2,483 Ratings
Arsenii Kirsanov is drinking a Chocolate Truffle Stout by The Porterhouse Brew Co. at Buddy McDaniel
Purchased at Buddy McDaniel
Mick Stout is drinking a Chocolate Truffle Stout by The Porterhouse Brew Co.
Carl O Connor is drinking a Chocolate Truffle Stout by The Porterhouse Brew Co.
Gareth Jones is drinking a Chocolate Truffle Stout by The Porterhouse Brew Co. at Untappd at Home
Disappointing for me. More like a porter than a stout. Lacking in body and not much chocolate coming through
Marijn van der Steen is drinking a Chocolate Truffle Stout by The Porterhouse Brew Co. at Untappd at Home
Paul Boggan is drinking a Chocolate Truffle Stout by The Porterhouse Brew Co. at The Sky & The Ground
Mick is drinking a Chocolate Truffle Stout by The Porterhouse Brew Co. at The Sky & The Ground
Stuart Gill is drinking a Chocolate Truffle Stout by The Porterhouse Brew Co. at The Black Sheep
Purchased at The Black Sheep
Elizabeth Wall: I thought they only brewed that for Paddy's Day... 🤔
Lennard Ramone: Apparently not 😊
John Paul Adams is drinking a Chocolate Truffle Stout by The Porterhouse Brew Co. at The Black Sheep
The cask Brehon had run out 🙁
Schnitzen Gruben is drinking a Chocolate Truffle Stout by The Porterhouse Brew Co. at Porterhouse
What does it say when the best beer I’ve had in London so far is from Dublin?
Purchased at Porterhouse
David Fonorow is drinking a Chocolate Truffle Stout by The Porterhouse Brew Co.
RB 4/14/2015
Mikhalich RyazanMan is drinking a Chocolate Truffle Stout by The Porterhouse Brew Co.
Было вкусно
Miley is drinking a Chocolate Truffle Stout by The Porterhouse Brew Co. at Mile and a Third
Patrick Middleton is drinking a Chocolate Truffle Stout by The Porterhouse Brew Co. at Mile and a Third
Nick Wheeldon is drinking a Chocolate Truffle Stout by The Porterhouse Brew Co. at Small Bar
Wow, what a beer, dark and tasty. Milk and chocolate followed by a bitter finish. Nice.
On tap @ Porterhouse Dublin, Temple Bar. Schwarzes Bier, feiner Schaum. Schokoladenkuchenduft. Nussiges Röstmalz. Auch im Geschmack sehr schokoladig. Dazu Erdnüsse, Röstmalz. Nicht sehr süss. Abgang röstig trocken. Lecker. Aroma (8) Aussehen (4) Flavor (7