Finn Pedersen: Og god til en Arsenal sejr ♥️🤍🍺
12.5% ABV
100 IBU
218 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Lasse Grandjean pedersen is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind at Untappd at Home
Mikael Pedersen is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind at Untappd at Home
linda_heilbo_7194 is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind
Martin Møller is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind at Untappd at Home
Andreas Tofteng is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind at Untappd at Home
Tobias Nørgaard is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind at Untappd at Home
John Clausen is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind at Untappd at Home
Michael Knudsgaard is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind
Den her... Den dur altså endnu 💔
Kitt Hoffmann-Harms is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind at hundeskoven buresø
Rune H is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind at Untappd at Home
Purchased at A Good Case
René Hoffmann-Harms is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind at Buresø
William Hamann is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind at Untappd at Home
Bettina Brandt-Lassen is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind at Amager
Trine B is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind at Untappd at Home
Duft af kokos. Meget mild og let vandet barley wine. Savner kraftigere smag
Purchased at A Good Case
Simon H is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind
Tonni Ammitzbøll is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind at Untappd at Home
Purchased at A Good Case
John Marquart is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind
Klaus Jensen is drinking a #07 Barley Wine - Oak Matured by The Man Behind at Untappd at Home
Holder 12,5 % og er meget vinøs i smagen. Tydelige toner af egetræs fade og efterhånden som øllen står kommer der meget tydelig smag ala sherry.
Finn Pedersen: Og god til en Arsenal sejr ♥️🤍🍺
Klar rødbrun. Fyldig maltet, karamel, let ristet, mørk frugt, fad, tilpas humlet, en let bitter afslutning. Fyldig krop, let karboneret.