5.6% ABV
34 Ratings
Derek F is drinking a Black Barrel by The Botley Brewery
Full of flavour. It would have been a 5 with more body.
Purchased at Wickham Community Association
Max is drinking a Black Barrel by The Botley Brewery at Wickham Centre
Leon Davis is drinking a Black Barrel by The Botley Brewery at Gordon Road
Maurice Earp is drinking a Black Barrel by The Botley Brewery at Gosport CAMRA Winterfest
Nice and different.
Purchased at Thorngate Halls
Ray Woods is drinking a Black Barrel by The Botley Brewery at Gosport CAMRA Winterfest
Gentle advertised flavours throughout. Pleasantly enjoyable.
Purchased at Gosport CAMRA Winterfest
caroline bretherick is drinking a Black Barrel by The Botley Brewery at Gosport CAMRA Winterfest
Winning Brewery
Purchased at Gosport CAMRA Winterfest
peter olding is drinking a Black Barrel by The Botley Brewery at Gosport CAMRA Winterfest
Nice coffee with a small hint of vanilla
Purchased at Gosport CAMRA Winterfest
Jonathan Purdom is drinking a Black Barrel by The Botley Brewery at Gosport Community Association
Andrew Tanner is drinking a Black Barrel by The Botley Brewery at Gosport Community Association
Bob Hayter is drinking a Black Barrel by The Botley Brewery at Thorngate Theatre
Purchased at Thorngate Theatre
Sam Singleton is drinking a Black Barrel by The Botley Brewery at Thorngate Halls
Trevor Munday is drinking a Black Barrel by The Botley Brewery
Cant taste vanilla really, nice smokey taste
Celene O'Gorman is drinking a Black Barrel by The Botley Brewery at Thorngate Halls
charlie is drinking a Black Barrel by The Botley Brewery at Thorngate Theatre
Purchased at Gosport CAMRA Winterfest
Ian Withall is drinking a Black Barrel by The Botley Brewery at The Hidden Tap
Rob Allpress is drinking a Black Barrel by The Botley Brewery at The Hidden Tap