chris fercking: Hear that. Beer prices are going up everywhere. Shit light beers at the liqour stores are 6.50 to 7 now. Wiskey is almost cheaper at this point lol.
6.5% ABV
65 IBU
98 Ratings
James is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co. at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
James Mark is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co. at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Similar to their other hazy, but still good
Purchased at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Carley Ellis is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Purchased at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
A H is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co. at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Purchased at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Justin Kidd is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co.
L Dean is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co. at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Dereck Waggoner is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co. at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Katie is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co. at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
kevin brown is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co. at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Matt Crawford is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co. at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
$8.50 for single IPAs and $7.50 for pilsners and lagers is just crazy. I’ve enjoyed coming here for the past year, but time to go elsewhere.
Purchased at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
chris fercking: Hear that. Beer prices are going up everywhere. Shit light beers at the liqour stores are 6.50 to 7 now. Wiskey is almost cheaper at this point lol.
Leryn Hahn is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Scott Hahn is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Don Wolfe is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co. at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Matt Johnson is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co. at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Purchased at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Paul Smith is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co. at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Purchased at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Troy is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co. at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Soda is drinking a Karate Kicks And Cartwheels by Tall Trellis Brew Co. at Tall Trellis Brew Co.
Whoa. Solid!!