Lars N: Snikskryt
3.9% ABV
4,322 Ratings
Ben Brunger is drinking a Small Man's Wetsuit by Sureshot Brewing at Untappd at Home
Mark Webb is drinking a Small Man's Wetsuit by Sureshot Brewing at Arkwrights Bar
Purchased at Arkwrights Bar
Martin Charman is drinking a Small Man's Wetsuit by Sureshot Brewing at Untappd at Home
Rosanna Clarke is drinking a Small Man's Wetsuit by Sureshot Brewing
Brad Taylor is drinking a Small Man's Wetsuit by Sureshot Brewing at Withington Public Hall Institute
Matthew Blakeley is drinking a Small Man's Wetsuit by Sureshot Brewing at Withington Public Hall Institute
Up the toffeeeeeees
Mark Wilson is drinking a Small Man's Wetsuit by Sureshot Brewing at Untappd at Home
Jake Demeza is drinking a Small Man's Wetsuit by Sureshot Brewing at Sureshot Taproom
Mike Dingley is drinking a Small Man's Wetsuit by Sureshot Brewing at Arkwrights Bar
A bit thin…..
Purchased at Arkwrights Bar
Graham Ward is drinking a Small Man's Wetsuit by Sureshot Brewing at The Silly Country
Purchased at The Silly Country
Eivind Stranden is drinking a Small Man's Wetsuit by Sureshot Brewing at Sureshot Taproom
Både hazy, pale og ale. Rent smaksbilde. Vanskelig å fremheve noe. Litt som Vestland framsto under talentleiren i Posgrunn 1996. Men de hadde en x-faktor i Alexander Ødegaard. Her er det ingen x-faktor. Men stødig og greit.
Purchased at Sureshot Taproom
Lars N: Snikskryt
Eivind Stranden: Ja, det er vel kanskje det.
Marion Lane is drinking a Small Man's Wetsuit by Sureshot Brewing at The Chiverton Tap
Purchased at The Chiverton Tap
Mary Woodhouse is drinking a Small Man's Wetsuit by Sureshot Brewing at The Lord Rosebery
Geraint Williams is drinking a Small Man's Wetsuit by Sureshot Brewing at Untappd at Home
NEIPA_Fiend is drinking a Small Man's Wetsuit by Sureshot Brewing at The Tap
Very good for the %
Purchased at The Tap