Fred Gattas: I have some meads we should try together.
15.5% ABV
108 Ratings
Jared Prager is drinking a Bourbon Barrel Aged Aphrodisia by Superstition Meadery at The Sovereign
Honey grape wine from bourbon barrels, about six years aged, sweet but not luscious or intense as others are, some bourbon barrels there for sure, not so grapey or winey, nice bottle
Sherry BChico is drinking a Bourbon Barrel Aged Aphrodisia by Superstition Meadery
Boozy, sweet, honey and grapes.
D Cross is drinking a Bourbon Barrel Aged Aphrodisia by Superstition Meadery at Danville, VA
This is Batch 1. Aged 12 months in bourbon barrels.
Ben Jellen is drinking a Bourbon Barrel Aged Aphrodisia by Superstition Meadery
Fred Gattas: I have some meads we should try together.
Brandon Scheirman is drinking a Bourbon Barrel Aged Aphrodisia by Superstition Meadery at Hi-Lo
Chase Craft Beer is drinking a Bourbon Barrel Aged Aphrodisia by Superstition Meadery
Retro checkins from a solid share with Brandon, Greg, Alvin and Damien
Damian is drinking a Bourbon Barrel Aged Aphrodisia by Superstition Meadery at Hi-Lo
Greg Johnson is drinking a Bourbon Barrel Aged Aphrodisia by Superstition Meadery at Hi-Lo
This rounded out a ton. Very nice
Mikey Annis is drinking a Bourbon Barrel Aged Aphrodisia by Superstition Meadery at Untappd at Home
Happy 4th !!
Purchased at Superstition Downtown
Matt VanPelt is drinking a Bourbon Barrel Aged Aphrodisia by Superstition Meadery at Fringe Beerworks
Sean Crook is drinking a Bourbon Barrel Aged Aphrodisia by Superstition Meadery at Untappd at Home
The Shannon is drinking a Bourbon Barrel Aged Aphrodisia by Superstition Meadery at Oak & Steel
Rich and lovely. A tawny character. A lighter port-like piece.
Purchased at Oak & Steel
Pat Hamell is drinking a Bourbon Barrel Aged Aphrodisia by Superstition Meadery at Oak & Steel
Very distinct red wine characteristic with a sweet bourbon finish. Thanks The Shannon
Purchased at Oak & Steel
Michael Badilla is drinking a Bourbon Barrel Aged Aphrodisia by Superstition Meadery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Oak & Steel
super complex, black currant and nyquil, with a whole wheat & floral finish. beautiful color!