Festbock label


Subbe Bryggeri


Total (?) 114

Unique (?) 83

Monthly (?) 0

You 0

6.6% ABV



78 Ratings

A stronger version of a festbier, Munich malt, pilsner malt, Tettnager and Perle
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Festbock by Subbe Bryggeri

Henrik Hjalmarsson is drinking a Festbock by Subbe Bryggeri

Middle of the Road (Level 18) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 18) badge!
Festbock by Subbe Bryggeri

Wojciech Sarmacki is drinking a Festbock by Subbe Bryggeri at Varbergs Ölhall

Pierwyj festbock tego roku. Dzisiaj lokalnie bo z Varbergu kuuuurłaaa

Purchased at Varbergs Ölhall

Draft Draft

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Festbock by Subbe Bryggeri

Anders Bodin is drinking a Festbock by Subbe Bryggeri at The Bishops Arms Vasagatan

Draft Draft

Verified Adventure (Level 27) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 27) badge!
Festbock by Subbe Bryggeri

Sven Rixrath is drinking a Festbock by Subbe Bryggeri at Varbergs Ölhall

Draft Draft

Untappd 13th Anniversary Earned the Untappd 13th Anniversary badge! Brew Traveler  (Level 13) Earned the Brew Traveler (Level 13) badge!

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