Pablo Blessing: klasse auf der Zunge. Gutes DIPA. Aroma (7) Aussehen (4) Flavor (8) Mundgefühl (4) Gesamt (17)
8% ABV
65 IBU
18,679 Ratings
Matt Mulhearn is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri at Vault Brewing Company
Roman S is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Razor☠️ is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Pablo Blessing is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri
Dose. Trübes hellgelbes Bier, fast schon hazy. Weisser luftiger Schaum. Schön fruchtiger Mango und Citrus Duft. Etwas Hefe. Süss-fruchtiger Antrunk. Mango, getrocknete Aprikose, Mandel, Citrus. Nicht zu schwer. Vollmundig. Es bleibt die getrocknete Apriko
Pablo Blessing: klasse auf der Zunge. Gutes DIPA. Aroma (7) Aussehen (4) Flavor (8) Mundgefühl (4) Gesamt (17)
per_arne_olsen_8696 is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Isaugum is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri
Michael Sigfrids is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Helt klart en av bästa.
-HZ- is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri
Christian Bisgård is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri at Erlings Jazz- & Ølbar
Björn R is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri
3.6. January 2019.
Somer Falkenstine is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri
Purchased at Bird In Hand
Sven E is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri
Annsofienasberg is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri
Per Gøran is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Michael Anderson is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Robin Cronhamn is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri
José Ángel Fernández Freire is drinking a Bird In Hand by Stigbergets Bryggeri
Purchased at Cervecería Bigote Blanco
From Ratebeer. 10-AUG-2021, can @Clarion Post Hotel, from Ölstudion, Systembolaget Nordstan. Very hazy orange with a low, white head. Mango, grape fruit, orange peel, spice, grass. Full, dense, soft carbonation, a little hop burn and a little tart, an