5.3% ABV
22 IBU
1,955 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
5.3% ABV
22 IBU
1,955 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Pedro Miskuplez is drinking a Roundhead Red by Solid Rock Brewing
Rob Komadina is drinking a Roundhead Red by Solid Rock Brewing
Thomas M is drinking a Roundhead Red by Solid Rock Brewing
It's got a distinct very slightly burnt caramel taste that is addicting in flavor. Very tasty.
Justin Schmidt is drinking a Roundhead Red by Solid Rock Brewing at DK Effect
Purchased at DK Effect
Rob is drinking a Roundhead Red by Solid Rock Brewing
Mark Gaither is drinking a Roundhead Red by Solid Rock Brewing
Brett Jones is drinking a Roundhead Red by Solid Rock Brewing
Charles Spinnato is drinking a Roundhead Red by Solid Rock Brewing
Loaded Again is drinking a Roundhead Red by Solid Rock Brewing at Lollipop Pond
Ryan Veazey is drinking a Roundhead Red by Solid Rock Brewing
Was at the salt lick. 7 years ago
Purchased at The Salt Lick