PC Load Letter label

PC Load Letter

Smog City Brewing Co.

Collaboration with Pizza Port Brewing Company

IPA - White / Wheat

Total (?) 252

Unique (?) 243

Monthly (?) 87

You 0

6.5% ABV



218 Ratings

This unique and delicious IPA screams tropical fruit. By blending our house CA Ale y Show More
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PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co.

Ryo Ari is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Antenna America Tokyo

Smog cityとピザポならまぁ美味いでしょ、という中でホワイトIPAて私好きなんですよ。パイナップルやタンジェリン、ちょっと青柑橘みもある。ゴリゴリハードなバックではないところにホワイトIPAたるサムシングがあるかな。ウィートっぽくはない。その意味で昔のピッグウォーとはまた違う。あれ好きだったな

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PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co.

Norihiko Nita is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Antenna America Tokyo


Can Can

Better Together (Level 6) Earned the Better Together (Level 6) badge!

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PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co.

Troy Gresham is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Neighborhood Stop

Can Can

To Go Please (Level 87) Earned the To Go Please (Level 87) badge! Verified Adventure (Level 89) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 89) badge! Wheel of Styles (Level 17) Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 17) badge! I Believe in IPA! (Level 91) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 91) badge!
PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co.

Chris is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Scante's Peak

Damn it feels good to be a gangster.

Can Can

Better Together (Level 13) Earned the Better Together (Level 13) badge!

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PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co.

kurun kurun is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Antenna America Shinagawa アンテナアメリカ 品川店

Verified Adventure (Level 3) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 3) badge! Middle of the Road (Level 9) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 9) badge!
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