6.5% ABV
218 Ratings
6.5% ABV
218 Ratings
Mike is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Smog City Brewery & Taproom
Purchased at Smog City Brewery & Taproom
Ryo Ari is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Antenna America Tokyo
Smog cityとピザポならまぁ美味いでしょ、という中でホワイトIPAて私好きなんですよ。パイナップルやタンジェリン、ちょっと青柑橘みもある。ゴリゴリハードなバックではないところにホワイトIPAたるサムシングがあるかな。ウィートっぽくはない。その意味で昔のピッグウォーとはまた違う。あれ好きだったな
Norihiko Nita is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Antenna America Tokyo
Vanessa Fischer Bradley is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co.
Troy Gresham is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Neighborhood Stop
Sho Takabatake is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Antenna America Yokohama アンテナアメリカ 横浜店
Yud Mo is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Citraba (クラフト麦酒酒場 シトラバ)
AAnt Z is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Smog City Brewing at Glendora Public Market
Chris is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Scante's Peak
Damn it feels good to be a gangster.
Bob Pence is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Smog City @ Steel Craft
White IPA Collab with Pizza Port
kurun kurun is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Antenna America Shinagawa アンテナアメリカ 品川店
Kazuhide Midorikawa is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Tokyo Racecourse (東京競馬場)
Elliot Oviedo is drinking a PC Load Letter by Smog City Brewing Co. at Smog City Brewery & Taproom
Purchased at Smog City Brewing at Glendora Public Market