IPA Test #157 | Citra / Citra Spectrum / Mosaic label

IPA Test #157 | Citra / Citra Spectrum / Mosaic

Siboire Microbrasserie

IPA - New England / Hazy

Total (?) 14

Unique (?) 14

Monthly (?) 1

You 0

5.8% ABV

49 IBU


12 Ratings

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IPA Test #157 | Citra / Citra Spectrum / Mosaic by Siboire Microbrasserie

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IPA Test #157 | Citra / Citra Spectrum / Mosaic by Siboire Microbrasserie

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IPA Test #157 | Citra / Citra Spectrum / Mosaic by Siboire Microbrasserie

Jack Macgyver is drinking an IPA Test #157 | Citra / Citra Spectrum / Mosaic by Siboire Microbrasserie at Siboire Saint-Laurent

Purchased at Siboire Saint-Laurent

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I Believe in IPA! (Level 71) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 71) badge! Haze for Days (Level 21) Earned the Haze for Days (Level 21) badge! The Great White North (Level 5) Earned the The Great White North (Level 5) badge!
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