


Blonde / Golden Ale - Other

Total (?) 48

Unique (?) 47

Monthly (?) 0

You 0

4.7% ABV

26 IBU


44 Ratings

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MISTRAL by septentrion

Jérémy Brand is drinking a MISTRAL by septentrion

Bottle Bottle

Cheers To You! (Level 9) Earned the Cheers To You! (Level 9) badge! Photogenic Brew (Level 91) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 91) badge! 99 Bottles (Level 13) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 13) badge!

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MISTRAL by septentrion

Dam Plattner is drinking a MISTRAL by septentrion at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Brewery Pioneer (Level 17) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 17) badge! 99 Bottles (Level 16) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 16) badge!
MISTRAL by septentrion

Denzel Hopington is drinking a MISTRAL by septentrion at Schützi

Hopfenbetontes Blondes, mag ich

Taster Taster

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MISTRAL by septentrion

Timo Kessler is drinking a MISTRAL by septentrion at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Call of the Swiss (Level 62) Earned the Call of the Swiss (Level 62) badge!

Check-in Photo

MISTRAL by septentrion

Salvatore Lagrotteria is drinking a MISTRAL by septentrion

#Ale #Bier #Beer #Birra #Bière #啤酒 #Cerveza #Pivo #精酿啤酒 #Craftbeer

Draft Draft

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MISTRAL by septentrion

Johanna Schreier is drinking a MISTRAL by septentrion at Let It Beer

Taster Taster

Call of the Swiss (Level 63) Earned the Call of the Swiss (Level 63) badge!
Tagged Friends
MISTRAL by septentrion

Mikael Ernstson is drinking a MISTRAL by septentrion at Chalet du Mollendruz

Bottle Bottle

Bar Explorer (Level 33) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 33) badge!

Check-in Photo

MISTRAL by septentrion

Torben is drinking a MISTRAL by septentrion at Chalet du Mollendruz

Bottle Bottle

Fields of Gold (Level 7) Earned the Fields of Gold (Level 7) badge!

Check-in Photo

MISTRAL by septentrion

Mathias Janssen is drinking a MISTRAL by septentrion at Rue Vautier

Purchased at EPIQ

Bottle Bottle

Fields of Gold (Level 33) Earned the Fields of Gold (Level 33) badge!
Tagged Friends
MISTRAL by septentrion

Gnobulix is drinking a MISTRAL by septentrion at Centre Sportif du Sentier

Bière de la victoire après le Trail de la Vallée de Joux 59k. Rafraîchissant.

Draft Draft

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