7.35% ABV
35 IBU
33 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
7.35% ABV
35 IBU
33 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Matt Van Natta is drinking a Starry Night Belgian Grand Cru by Second Profession Brewing
joe fuggedaboutit is drinking a Starry Night Belgian Grand Cru by Second Profession Brewing at The Beer Bunker
Really nice
Steven Youkey is drinking a Starry Night Belgian Grand Cru by Second Profession Brewing at The Beer Bunker
This beer doesn't seem to know what it is. It tastes like they mixed a strong Belgian with a PBR. Yet, it wasn't bad!
Laura Krebs is drinking a Starry Night Belgian Grand Cru by Second Profession Brewing at The Beer Bunker
Zach Allen is drinking a Starry Night Belgian Grand Cru by Second Profession Brewing at Second Profession Brewing
Pretty excellent. Pretty drinkable.
Purchased at Second Profession Brewing
matthew thorn is drinking a Starry Night Belgian Grand Cru by Second Profession Brewing
Steve Norris is drinking a Starry Night Belgian Grand Cru by Second Profession Brewing at Second Profession Brewing
Andy R is drinking a Starry Night Belgian Grand Cru by Second Profession Brewing at Second Profession Brewing
M B is drinking a Starry Night Belgian Grand Cru by Second Profession Brewing at Second Profession Brewing
George Orwell is drinking a Starry Night Belgian Grand Cru by Second Profession Brewing at Second Profession Brewing
Good. Not super-estery, not a lot of banana. Low key hops, just a bit of biscuit malt.
Purchased at Second Profession Brewing
Ken Kane is drinking a Starry Night Belgian Grand Cru by Second Profession Brewing
Excellent Belgian in northeast Portland. Who knew?! And their Dirty Fries, tho' not Belgian Frites, seriously taste like MORE. A great find!
Jasmine Pettet is drinking a Starry Night Belgian Grand Cru by Second Profession Brewing at Second Profession Brewing
John Reinert is drinking a Starry Night Belgian Grand Cru by Second Profession Brewing at Second Profession Brewing
Jarek Oliver is drinking a Starry Night Belgian Grand Cru by Second Profession Brewing at Second Profession Brewing
Not for me... Very clove forward
Max Hunger is drinking a Starry Night Belgian Grand Cru by Second Profession Brewing at Second Profession Brewing
Not my thing but a great example of a Grand Cru
Purchased at Second Profession Brewing
Strong spices and clover. Hard hitter but easy to drink