Alex A: I miss the “before times.” 🥲

Code Switch (2018)
Vintage of Code Switch
Collaboration with Sun King Brewery
Belgian Strong Dark Ale
14.5% ABV
18 IBU
1,130 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Vintage of Code Switch
Collaboration with Sun King Brewery
Belgian Strong Dark Ale
14.5% ABV
18 IBU
1,130 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Gregory Nelson is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at Balanced Brewing Company Tasting Room
Angelica is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Revolution Production Brewery & Taproom
Raymond Kuijper is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at Switchmode
Vintage Revolution 2018. Nauwelijks koolzuur meer maar nog wel smaak. Blauwe bessen in een quadruppel en dat een tijdje op een bourbon vat. Dan zou je dit aan smaak moeten krijgen denk ik? 🤔🤣
Jody Friese is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at The Friese Compound
Now, this one aged well. Great barrel, just the right amount of blackberry accent. I think this was a “thank you beer” add-on back in the days when craft beer had an active trade community. You know, in the before-times.
Matthew Guertler is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at Cedar Ridge Park
Holding up pretty well. Still very dry, with some faint fruitiness. Wine fridge stored for too long.
Purchased at Revolution Production Brewery & Taproom
Erik Smits is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at @Smitsies
Ingewikkeld experiment, goeie uitkomst
Purchased at Ying Bin
Michael M is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at Jazzman's Cafe @ Elim Park
Still great! So underrated IMO
Tim Albert is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at Untappd at Home
Aged 5+ years. Dried fruit, caramel, malt, dark berry, bourbon nose. Dried fruit, dark berry, malt, caramel, bourbon, vanilla. Alcohol present but well integrated. Aged exceptionally well.
Purchased at The Beer Cellar Glen Ellyn
Chris Banno is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at Untappd at Home
Lisa Wolowicz is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at Untappd at Home
David Wolowicz is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Revolution Production Brewery & Taproom
Adam is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at Untappd at Home
Jerry Todd is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at Untappd at Home
Terry is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at Untappd at Home
Jenny McLovin is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at Mews Swimming Pool
Kevin Mackowski is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at Mews Swimming Pool
Lon Ellingsen is drinking a Code Switch (2018) by Revolution Brewing at Untappd at Home