Capybara Chill New Zealand IPA label

Capybara Chill New Zealand IPA


IPA - New Zealand

Total (?) 586

Unique (?) 495

Monthly (?) 14

You 0

7.1% ABV

10 IBU


457 Ratings

Новий IPA об’єднав водночас фантастичний новозеландський хміль Nectaron, з яскравими Show More
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Capybara Chill New Zealand IPA by Rebrew

Сергій is drinking a Capybara Chill New Zealand IPA by Rebrew

Can Can

Middle of the Road (Level 2) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 2) badge!
Capybara Chill New Zealand IPA by Rebrew

anton rahme is drinking a Capybara Chill New Zealand IPA by Rebrew at Beer Place

Насичена фруктова атмосфера з легкою тропічною кислинкою, потужна і по літньому австралійська іра🫶

Purchased at Beer Place

Can Can

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Capybara Chill New Zealand IPA by Rebrew

Dimasik is drinking a Capybara Chill New Zealand IPA by Rebrew

не така смачна, але всеодно дуже ок, сука знову не сфоткав....

Draft Draft

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Capybara Chill New Zealand IPA by Rebrew

Slavko is drinking a Capybara Chill New Zealand IPA by Rebrew at Odynn Taproom

Purchased at Odynn Taproom

I Believe in IPA! (Level 28) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 28) badge!
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Capybara Chill New Zealand IPA by Rebrew

serhii_ley is drinking a Capybara Chill New Zealand IPA by Rebrew at Untappd at Home

Can Can

Untappd at Home (Level 5) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 5) badge!
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Capybara Chill New Zealand IPA by Rebrew

Vladyslav Demianov is drinking a Capybara Chill New Zealand IPA by Rebrew at Untappd at Home

Дуже добра неіпа, вже типовий для всіх новозеландців аромат солодкого білого винограду, смак тропічно-грейпфрутовий, з хвойною гіркотою гарних неіпашок.

Purchased at Konteyner X

Can Can

To Go Please (Level 4) Earned the To Go Please (Level 4) badge! Middle of the Road (Level 31) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 31) badge!

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Capybara Chill New Zealand IPA by Rebrew

iryna_babaskina is drinking a Capybara Chill New Zealand IPA by Rebrew at Untappd at Home

Can Can

Middle of the Road (Level 35) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 35) badge! For the Can (Level 35) Earned the For the Can (Level 35) badge!
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