Poteito Potato label

Poteito Potato

Pühaste Brewery

Porter - Imperial / Double Baltic

Total (?) 2,402

Unique (?) 2,335

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9.5% ABV



2,177 Ratings

Baltic Porter brewed with potatoes and cardamom.
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Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery

Pablo Blessing is drinking a Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery

0,33l Flasche. Dunkelbraun fast schwarz. Moussierender brauner Schaum. Röstmalzaroma. Sanfter Rotwein. Antrunk Rauch und Röstmalz. Asche und Kardamon. Etwas kratzig im Abgang. Säure, Röstmalz, Kaffe. Aroma (7) Aussehen (5) Flavor (7) Mundgefühl (4) Gesamt

Bottle Bottle

Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery

Mario is drinking a Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery at Uba ja Humal

Interesting bit herbal taste!

Purchased at Uba ja Humal

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 29) Earned the Draft City (Level 29) badge! To The Port (Level 10) Earned the To The Port (Level 10) badge!

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Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery

marita välimäki is drinking a Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery at Uba ja Humal

Purchased at Uba ja Humal

Draft Draft

Uba ja Humal - Beer and the City (Level 33) Earned the Uba ja Humal - Beer and the City (Level 33) badge!
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Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery

Raika Maika is drinking a Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery at Uba ja Humal

Kartuli kohta ei oska öelda aga leiba aga jatku leiba. Korralik tugev BP. Kohv, röst jne. Eeskujulik.

Purchased at Uba ja Humal

Draft Draft

To The Port (Level 21) Earned the To The Port (Level 21) badge!
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Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery

Pärtel Riit is drinking a Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery at Uba ja Humal

Vägagi korralik porter. Ei mingit vesisust. Rahustab närve. Veel mõned lonksud ja ma olen täielik zen.

Purchased at Uba ja Humal

Draft Draft

Uba ja Humal - Beer and the City (Level 29) Earned the Uba ja Humal - Beer and the City (Level 29) badge! Heavy Weight (Level 62) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 62) badge!
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Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery

Tanzwut is drinking a Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery at Uba ja Humal

А прикольно

Purchased at Uba ja Humal

Draft Draft

Heavy Weight (Level 53) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 53) badge! To The Port (Level 15) Earned the To The Port (Level 15) badge!

Check-in Photo

Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery

Antonio88 is drinking a Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery at Uba ja Humal

Интересно было попробовать, как это - картофель в пиве)))Но. Картофеля нет вообще. Реально, больше каким то лекарством с аптеки отдает. А так - лёгкий шоколад и кофе. Крепко. Такое

Purchased at Uba ja Humal

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 22) Earned the Draft City (Level 22) badge!

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Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery

Ilia A is drinking a Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery at Uba ja Humal

Кардамоновый 🥔: аптечный вкус

Purchased at Uba ja Humal

Taster Taster

Uba ja Humal - Beer and the City (Level 13) Earned the Uba ja Humal - Beer and the City (Level 13) badge! To The Port (Level 48) Earned the To The Port (Level 48) badge!

Check-in Photo

Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery

Tarmo Talvik is drinking a Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Cheers To You! (Level 10) Earned the Cheers To You! (Level 10) badge! Verified Adventure (Level 77) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 77) badge!
Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery

Jakub B is drinking a Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery at Kliny Zacisze

W zapach uwydatniła się wędzonka, w typie szpitalnym. Oprócz tego jest trochę kakao, ciemne pieczywo. W miarę ocieplania wychodzi sos sojowy.

Purchased at Concept Stu Mostów

Bottle Bottle

To The Port (Level 14) Earned the To The Port (Level 14) badge!
Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery

Jakub F is drinking a Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery at KS Victoria

2021. Apothecary notes are dominating, little roasted. Bitter with unpleasant, hospitalish finish.

Bottle Bottle

To The Port (Level 13) Earned the To The Port (Level 13) badge!
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Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery

Urmas Neeme is drinking a Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery at Fries

Lõhn hapukasmagusmõrkjas, kardemon, jõulune, röstine, kõrbenud kohv ja tume shokolaad. Maitse mõru, röstine, kuiv, kohvipuru, -oad, espresso, 90%+ shokolaad, tuhk. Soojendav. Vist on selle kõige all ka toorest kartulit tunda. Äge asi, mulle meeldib.

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery

Nicolin Bouchard is drinking a Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Untappd at Home (Level 42) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 42) badge! Beer Connoisseur (Level 4) Earned the Beer Connoisseur (Level 4) badge!
Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery

Zuzana L. is drinking a Poteito Potato by Pühaste Brewery at F.A. Bar Oranžová

Can Can

Terviseks! (Level 3) Earned the Terviseks! (Level 3) badge!
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