100! label


Pracownia Piwa

IPA - Imperial / Double Black

Total (?) 523

Unique (?) 476

Monthly (?) 0

You 0

7.5% ABV

105 IBU


414 Ratings

This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.

Imperial India Dark Ale, 18 Blg Piwo uwarzone na 3 urodziny pubu Setka w Poznaniu / Show More
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100! by Pracownia Piwa

Alter Egoo is drinking a 100! by Pracownia Piwa at Untappd at Home

(2016) W aromacie żywica, cytrusy + czekolada, kawa. W smaku podobnie - wytrawne, kawowe, czuć prażone ziarna, gorzką czekoladę i masę iglaków, w tle skórka pomarańczy. Goryczka wysoka, dość długa, ale przyjemna, świerkowo tytoniowa. 4.2

Bottle Bottle

Black as the Night (Level 11) Earned the Black as the Night (Level 11) badge! The Dark Side (Level 24) Earned the The Dark Side (Level 24) badge!

Check-in Photo

100! by Pracownia Piwa

Łukasz P is drinking a 100! by Pracownia Piwa

[Backlog, wypite 03/2016, pub - bez foto] Kolor: ciemnobrązowy, nieprzejrzysty; Zapach: kawa, paloność; Smak: lekko kawowe i palone, wyczuwalne w oddali owoce tropikalne, średnia goryczka; Ogólnie: bardzo dobre piwo

Draft Draft

I Believe in IPA! (Level 29) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 29) badge! The Dark Side (Level 3) Earned the The Dark Side (Level 3) badge!
100! by Pracownia Piwa

Bartek M is drinking a 100! by Pracownia Piwa

You rated this beer 3.8 May 13, 2017

2X (Level 7) Earned the 2X (Level 7) badge!
100! by Pracownia Piwa

DJPS is drinking a 100! by Pracownia Piwa at Oświęcim

Z archiwum

I Believe in IPA! (Level 46) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 46) badge! Black as the Night Earned the Black as the Night badge! The Dark Side (Level 4) Earned the The Dark Side (Level 4) badge!
100! by Pracownia Piwa

Janek B3 is drinking a 100! by Pracownia Piwa

Hopped Up (Level 13) Earned the Hopped Up (Level 13) badge! I Believe in IPA! (Level 25) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 25) badge! 2X (Level 9) Earned the 2X (Level 9) badge! The Dark Side (Level 4) Earned the The Dark Side (Level 4) badge! Pole Position (Level 68) Earned the Pole Position (Level 68) badge!
100! by Pracownia Piwa

Daniel Hopp is drinking a 100! by Pracownia Piwa

Jul 2016; die malzig-röstige Variante...völlig tropenfrucht-befreit

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

100! by Pracownia Piwa

Damian Górny is drinking a 100! by Pracownia Piwa

I Believe in IPA! (Level 44) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 44) badge! 2X (Level 67) Earned the 2X (Level 67) badge!
100! by Pracownia Piwa

Kristo Bonev is drinking a 100! by Pracownia Piwa

Hopped Up (Level 6) Earned the Hopped Up (Level 6) badge! Black as the Night Earned the Black as the Night badge!

Check-in Photo

100! by Pracownia Piwa

Grzegorz Aleksander is drinking a 100! by Pracownia Piwa

Draft Draft

Black as the Night Earned the Black as the Night badge!
100! by Pracownia Piwa

Vanaheim is drinking a 100! by Pracownia Piwa

Draft Draft

Middle of the Road (Level 66) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 66) badge! Hopped Up (Level 16) Earned the Hopped Up (Level 16) badge! I Believe in IPA! (Level 22) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 22) badge! Black as the Night Earned the Black as the Night badge!
100! by Pracownia Piwa

Kwachu K is drinking a 100! by Pracownia Piwa

I Believe in IPA! (Level 88) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 88) badge!
100! by Pracownia Piwa

Filip S is drinking a 100! by Pracownia Piwa

The Dark Side Earned the The Dark Side badge!
100! by Pracownia Piwa

Andr Bezr is drinking a 100! by Pracownia Piwa at Tap House - Pracownia Piwa i Przyjaciele

Hopped Up (Level 32) Earned the Hopped Up (Level 32) badge! The Dark Side (Level 3) Earned the The Dark Side (Level 3) badge!
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