RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend label



Stout - Russian Imperial

Total (?) 416

Unique (?) 410

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13% ABV



397 Ratings

Assemblage de 4 barriques de Rhum différents avec un ajout de vanille de Madagascar. Show More
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RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn

Page Eater is drinking a RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn

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Sky's the Limit (Level 11) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 11) badge! Heavy Weight (Level 8) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 8) badge! Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 7) Earned the Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 7) badge!
RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn

屠倭提督 李如松 is drinking a RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn

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Beer Connoisseur (Level 4) Earned the Beer Connoisseur (Level 4) badge! Imperial Czar Earned the Imperial Czar badge! Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 29) Earned the Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 29) badge!

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RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn

Christophe Gaulard is drinking a RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn at Untappd at Home

Purchased at V and B Castres

Untappd at Home (Level 71) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 71) badge! To Go Please (Level 79) Earned the To Go Please (Level 79) badge! Sky's the Limit (Level 58) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 58) badge! La Crème de la Crème (Level 93) Earned the La Crème de la Crème (Level 93) badge!

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RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn

Joost is drinking a RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn at Untappd at Home

Lekker nondeju

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International Stout Day (2024) Earned the International Stout Day (2024) badge! Heavy Weight (Level 19) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 19) badge! Imperial Czar (Level 3) Earned the Imperial Czar (Level 3) badge!

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RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn

®emco™ is drinking a RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Wijnhuis Sonsbeek

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International Stout Day (2024) Earned the International Stout Day (2024) badge! Imperial Czar (Level 7) Earned the Imperial Czar (Level 7) badge!

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RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn

Yasuko Ajimu is drinking a RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn at Untappd at Home

挺特殊的涛。 开瓶是非常厚重复杂的桶味,在倒出后逐渐衰减至略微可察。 黑色不透光,中等的棕色泡沫,消散极快。 入口杀口感弱,但是酒精灼烧感强,烘烤感与略微枫糖香草的感受好像在侵略你的口腔,酒体重,粘稠感中至强,口腔中感受会很突出。 下咽过程中酒精刺激感明显,而支撑这一段的风味很淡,甚至有水感。收口是涩带微苦酸。 整体感觉是一款主打朗姆的多桶味的体验卡,口腔内的破坏性带来的是对中后的期待,可是却没有足够的层次来完善补足。当如大毛农民们在各自的藏酒桶中不断交易交换的奔放激烈但单纯纯粹的深色窖藏。 4.1

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Photogenic Brew  (Level 20) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 20) badge! Brewery Pioneer (Level 9) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 9) badge!

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RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn

Charly Guilou is drinking a RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Chez Alain

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Barrel-Aged Beer Day (2024) Earned the Barrel-Aged Beer Day (2024) badge!
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RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn

Pomelia is drinking a RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn

Beer Melting Pot Earned the Beer Melting Pot badge! Beer Connoisseur Earned the Beer Connoisseur badge!
RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn

Andy Law is drinking a RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn


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Beer Connoisseur (Level 4) Earned the Beer Connoisseur (Level 4) badge!
RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn

Yiru Jin is drinking a RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT - Rum Barrel Aged Blend by Popihn

咖啡 黑巧 果干 木质,香气协调 浓郁,甜度克制,轻微酸感,甜苦平衡,口感丝滑柔顺,酒体中等,酒精压的很好,入喉温润

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99 Bottles (Level 30) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 30) badge!
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