BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA label

BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA


Barleywine - Other

Total (?) 393

Unique (?) 384

Monthly (?) 4

You 0

10% ABV



359 Ratings

Barley wine aged in apricot eau de vie barrels.
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BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA by Popihn

Little Lolita is drinking a BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA by Popihn

波旁 在幸福的城堡里:杏子白兰地桶陈大麦酒,酒体有点薄,大麦酒的浓厚差点,但杏子白兰地风味足,4分

Beer of the World (Level 8) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 8) badge!

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BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA by Popihn

CaiFeng is drinking a BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA by Popihn at Shang Xiao Ruo | 大学 路


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Photogenic Brew  (Level 50) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 50) badge! La Crème de la Crème (Level 2) Earned the La Crème de la Crème (Level 2) badge!
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BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA by Popihn

Ziu Siang Chou is drinking a BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA by Popihn at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Untappd at Home (Level 22) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 22) badge! Verified Adventure (Level 21) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 21) badge!

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BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA by Popihn

Ralph Smit is drinking a BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA by Popihn at Hoppy Little Accidents

Vrij helder roodbruin bier zonder noemenswaardig schuim. Geur van abrikoos met een vleugje alcohol. Smaak is zacht, moutig en zoet, vleugje alcohol en abrikoos.

Purchased at Bierwinkel Alkmaar

Bottle Bottle

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BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA by Popihn

Pavel Potemkin is drinking a BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA by Popihn at Казань - Иваново

Ну вроде типа курага, очень лайтово, бочка фоном, невыразительно но нормально

Purchased at Dean's Bottle Shop

Bottle Bottle

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BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA by Popihn

Ivan S is drinking a BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA by Popihn at Untappd at Home

Неплохо, абрикос больше в курагу, бочка, мед, слегка алкашит

Purchased at Dean's Bottle Shop

Bottle Bottle

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BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA by Popihn

Raul A is drinking a BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA by Popihn at ROOFTOP PARK

Creamy and yes, full of dried apricots. Warming but not syrupy or heavy at all, elegant, light and easygoing. Wow.

Bottle Bottle

The Wine of Beers (Level 7) Earned the The Wine of Beers (Level 7) badge!

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BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA by Popihn

Maxime FIORANI is drinking a BARLEY W. - Barriques d’Eau De Vie d’Abricot 12 mois BA by Popihn at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Untappd at Home (Level 6) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 6) badge! Verified Adventure (Level 5) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 5) badge! 99 Bottles (Level 5) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 5) badge!

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