George Larder: Similar to neck oil. Has been drunk on expiry date so may have affected the taste.
5.5% ABV
1,513 Ratings
Jason Holmes is drinking a CLARKY CAT by Pomona Island Brew Co. at Untappd at Home
Gordon Barnes is drinking a CLARKY CAT by Pomona Island Brew Co.
Andrew Larder is drinking a CLARKY CAT by Pomona Island Brew Co. at Untappd at Home
Nice light fruity beer. Perfect for summer evenings. If this were an an animal it would be a silky bengal cat.
George Larder is drinking a CLARKY CAT by Pomona Island Brew Co. at Untappd at Home
George Larder: Similar to neck oil. Has been drunk on expiry date so may have affected the taste.
Sam Snook is drinking a CLARKY CAT by Pomona Island Brew Co. at Untappd at Home
Purchased at The House of the Trembling Madness
JackEagle is drinking a CLARKY CAT by Pomona Island Brew Co. at Untappd at Home
Michael Binks: I feel like Sam B. is a bad influence on you Jack!
JackEagle: This was a lot better than the irn bru one we had later!
Sam Binks: Jack is the one who was getting the beers from the fridge, not me!
KyrieB3 is drinking a CLARKY CAT by Pomona Island Brew Co. at Untappd at Home
Mark Bodie is drinking a CLARKY CAT by Pomona Island Brew Co. at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Pomona Island Brewery At Freight Island
Mike Millard is drinking a CLARKY CAT by Pomona Island Brew Co. at Untappd at Home
They give me CAT scratch fever CAT scratch fever I got a bad scratch fever The CAT scratch fever “Cat Scratch Fever” - Ted Nugent
Purchased at Pomona Island Brew Co
Dwayne G․: 🤘🏻 🍻
The Pope of Nope: Love the name!
Simon Vogel is drinking a CLARKY CAT by Pomona Island Brew Co. at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Thurtal Bräu
Neil Harrison is drinking a CLARKY CAT by Pomona Island Brew Co. at Untappd at Home
Its been a while. Still great 😃
Purchased at Pomona Island Brew Co
Alex Porter is drinking a CLARKY CAT by Pomona Island Brew Co. at Untappd at Home
Damian Egli is drinking a CLARKY CAT by Pomona Island Brew Co. at Moby Hicks
Purchased at Moby Hicks
Dan Taylor is drinking a CLARKY CAT by Pomona Island Brew Co. at Untappd at Home
Can't fail to love a Brass Wire reference
Purchased at That Beer Place...
Phil Rhodes is drinking a CLARKY CAT by Pomona Island Brew Co. at Untappd at Home