Dennis Kliphuis: Bipa 🤤
6.66% ABV
602 Ratings
Michael Tesch is drinking The Coal Sucker by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
Purchased at - Craft Beer Marketplace
Vit Kubala is drinking The Coal Sucker by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
Gert Feikens is drinking The Coal Sucker by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground
Liška Podšitá is drinking The Coal Sucker by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Pivní lednice
Wim Hartman is drinking The Coal Sucker by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Center Parcs Nordseeküste
Purchased at Funky Shop
Dennis Kliphuis: Bipa 🤤
Wim Hartman: Lekker hoor aanrader deze. Drinkt heerlijk weg.
Dominik Gauß is drinking The Coal Sucker by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
Purchased at - Craft Beer Marketplace
Karst is drinking The Coal Sucker by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Concept Stu Mostów
Mike Golinsky is drinking The Coal Sucker by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
For me its coffee stout. Coffee FES. Why is this called Coffee BIPA ?
Purchased at - Craft Beer Marketplace
Maciek P is drinking The Coal Sucker by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground
A: przyjemny granulat, lupulina, lekki melon, slodkawo, utlenienie kwiatowe, kawy juz nie czuc. Lekkie mango-marchew. Ciut palonosci i cytrusa. Czuc zab czasu, ale wciaz apetycznie. S: wytrawne, gladkie, elegancko nachmielone po staremu - zywica, cd.
Maciek P: Lupulina, albedo grejpfrutowe, nieco to podbite mokra palonosci. Wysoka albedowo-ziarnista gorycz. Posmak albedo-palony. Bardzo orzezwiajace, charakterne, pyszne. Szkoda ze je tyle przetrzymalem. Oby byly kolejne warki. Kawy nie czuje w smaku rowniez.
Jan Bońkowski is drinking The Coal Sucker by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Delikatesy Alkoholowe Oliwia
Kostya S is drinking The Coal Sucker by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground
DimebagDarrell is drinking The Coal Sucker by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
Jedno z lepszych Black IPA jakie piłem. Piwne Podziemie powinno mieć w stałej ofercie to piwo! zajebiste!
Purchased at Alkohole Pod Wiaduktem
Rune Kenneth Bauge is drinking The Coal Sucker by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Same Krafty
Karol Małaj is drinking The Coal Sucker by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground
Sebastian Giezek is drinking The Coal Sucker by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Bastion Wałowa
Purchased at Piwa Świata
Monika Eł is drinking The Coal Sucker by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Bastion Wałowa
Purchased at Piwa Świata