kotlety: smak piernika
6.6% ABV
444 Ratings
Norbert Józsa is drinking an It's Magic Time! by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
kaeveris is drinking an It's Magic Time! by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground
Warqi is drinking an It's Magic Time! by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Browar Pod Nosem
Mikołaj Kociołek is drinking an It's Magic Time! by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Darwina (Rakowiecka)
Ferenc T is drinking an It's Magic Time! by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
A másik bohócossal összehasonlítva kakaósabb, só jobban kijön, de a füst kevésbé | BB 02122024
Stefan K is drinking an It's Magic Time! by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Piwa Świata
kotlety is drinking an It's Magic Time! by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Amore del Tropico
dobre piwo smak snickersa posmak kwiatków
kotlety: smak piernika
Rens Althuizen is drinking an It's Magic Time! by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Same Krafty vis-a-vis
We zijn een paar dagen in Warschau, dus tijd om eens een Pools biertje te proberen. Een stout die wat makkelijker wegdrinkt als gewend, wel met veel lekkere ingrediënten zoals bijvoorbeeld tonka.
Jan Jan is drinking an It's Magic Time! by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
Karolina Sołtyk-Sołtycka is drinking an It's Magic Time! by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
Donat Hermans is drinking an It's Magic Time! by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
Grzegorz is drinking an It's Magic Time! by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
Valera is drinking an It's Magic Time! by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
Rafał is drinking an It's Magic Time! by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Rychło w Chmiel
Irene is drinking an It's Magic Time! by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at The Dealer Bottle Shop Kyiv
Iryna M is drinking an It's Magic Time! by Piwne Podziemie / Beer Underground at The Dealer Bottle Shop Kyiv
Purchased at Beerfreak
Purchased at Elysium