Pihtla Õlu label

Pihtla Õlu

Pihtla Õlleköök

Farmhouse Ale - Sahti

Total (?) 1,667

Unique (?) 1,333

Monthly (?) 4

You 0

7.6% ABV

19 IBU


1,178 Ratings

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Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

Simon Ensing is drinking a Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök at Kuutsemäe suusakeskus

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Terviseks! (Level 29) Earned the Terviseks! (Level 29) badge!
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Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

Erik Beertaster is drinking a Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök at Kuutsemäe Spordikeskus

Simon E. took this one from Saarema. A sahti, not often seen. This one is a tad sour, malty and grainy with yeast and juniper.

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Terviseks! (Level 16) Earned the Terviseks! (Level 16) badge!
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Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

Terka04 is drinking a Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Untappd at Home (Level 7) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 7) badge! Hopped Down (Level 8) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 8) badge! 99 Bottles (Level 9) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 9) badge!
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Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

Hammer High Until I Die is drinking a Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

Schmeckt wie Bananenweizen in leicht säuerlich.

Draft Draft

Middle of the Road (Level 41) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 41) badge! Beer of the World (Level 19) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 19) badge! Draft City (Level 50) Earned the Draft City (Level 50) badge! Trip to the Farm Earned the Trip to the Farm badge!
Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

Kike is drinking a Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

Purchased at Põhjala Brewery & Tap Room

Draft Draft

Brewery Pioneer (Level 7) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 7) badge! Draft City (Level 7) Earned the Draft City (Level 7) badge! Trip to the Farm Earned the Trip to the Farm badge!
Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

Niko Inkinen is drinking a Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök at Põhja Konn

"Wishes from the well" elokuva katselmus, tekijät paikalla. Erinomaisen koukuttava. Kirkastettu koduõlu. Ei mielestäni toimi. Tukkoisuutta, hieman viennamaltaista kitkerämpää menoa. Farmimenot banaaneineen on. Onko katajaa vai?

Draft Draft

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Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

Warren Turner is drinking a Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök at Põhja Konn

Draft Draft

Beer of the World (Level 51) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 51) badge! Terviseks! (Level 20) Earned the Terviseks! (Level 20) badge!
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Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

Denny van Beer is drinking a Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Starptautiskais izstāžu centrs Ķīpsala | BT1

Draft Draft

Hopped Down (Level 14) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 14) badge! Photogenic Brew (Level 62) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 62) badge! Draft City (Level 45) Earned the Draft City (Level 45) badge! Trip to the Farm Earned the Trip to the Farm badge!
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Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

Per Broman is drinking a Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök at Põhja Konn

Draft Draft

Beer of the World (Level 41) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 41) badge! Trip to the Farm (Level 11) Earned the Trip to the Farm (Level 11) badge!

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Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

Elin Broman is drinking a Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök at Põhja Konn

Hmmm, njaaa…

Purchased at Põhja Konn

Draft Draft

Terviseks! (Level 4) Earned the Terviseks! (Level 4) badge!

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Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

antonio * is drinking a Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Rakvere Spordikeskus

Bottle Bottle

Beer of the World (Level 33) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 33) badge!

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Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

Lammenneito is drinking a Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök at Põhja Konn

Taster Taster

Verified Adventure (Level 63) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 63) badge! Middle of the Road (Level 68) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 68) badge! Hopped Down (Level 23) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 23) badge! Brewery Pioneer (Level 72) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 72) badge! Terviseks! (Level 8) Earned the Terviseks! (Level 8) badge!
Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

Paul Harrop is drinking a Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök at Põhja Konn

I'm now in Tallinn for a few days. This is a rare example of an Estonian farmhouse beer, which is only brewed on a couple of islands in the Baltic. It's similar to Sahti, with a pleasant sourness, and a strong juniper taste

Draft Draft

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Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

Sebastian W is drinking a Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Untappd at Home (Level 29) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 29) badge! Middle of the Road (Level 20) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 20) badge! Beer of the World (Level 10) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 10) badge!

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Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök

Vilma Nevala is drinking a Pihtla Õlu by Pihtla Õlleköök at Põhja Konn

Draft Draft

Terviseks! (Level 3) Earned the Terviseks! (Level 3) badge!
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