12.8% ABV
853 Ratings
Anders Diesen is drinking a Sidious by Overtone Brewing Co at Untappd at Home
Lekmen is drinking a Sidious by Overtone Brewing Co
4.098 Meg kell jegyeznem, a legfeketébb sör, amit láttam. Elnyeli a fényt. Sötét anyag. Az Uralkodó megidézése értelemszerű. Ízben tonkababos, egyszerű stout jegyek hibátlanul. Végén hozza a Magnum a keserűséget, lazább-közepes ízintenz. Nem vastag a sör.
Romain G is drinking a Sidious by Overtone Brewing Co
Ollie Read is drinking a Sidious by Overtone Brewing Co at BrewDog Norwich
Purchased at BrewDog Norwich
Chris Raistrick is drinking a Sidious by Overtone Brewing Co
Fairly bland. Those dull monks.
Purchased at Left Field Beer
Andy Jones is drinking a Sidious by Overtone Brewing Co at Untappd at Home
Gareth Griffith is drinking a Sidious by Overtone Brewing Co at Untappd at Home
Insidious more like....
Gordon Hanning is drinking a Sidious by Overtone Brewing Co at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Craft Beer Bottle Shop
Simon wood is drinking a Sidious by Overtone Brewing Co at Untappd at Home
Lee Strafford is drinking a Sidious by Overtone Brewing Co
Martin B is drinking a Sidious by Overtone Brewing Co at Rushmere County Park
#14 Emperor’s juice of death…this thing is an absolute killer sauce. So damn thick black chocolate bitter with booze and bite. Sooo full on, but have to bow to superiority and just sup it up. Hoooge.
Purchased at Overtone Brewing Co
Ben Blakey is drinking a Sidious by Overtone Brewing Co at Untappd at Home
Andy Y is drinking a Sidious by Overtone Brewing Co at Untappd at Home
Paul Hugill is drinking a Sidious by Overtone Brewing Co at Four Lanes
Purchased at Left Field Beer
Jack Madden is drinking a Sidious by Overtone Brewing Co at Olton
Purchased at BrewDog Birmingham