Mika ABV 8 Point 5: I know this is a collaboration, but these guys are pioneers in beer, they experiment and explore, venture forward. And collaboration has been a key word. Keep it up! I (we) love what you do!
10% ABV
65 IBU
2,713 Ratings
Daniel Bergström is drinking The Beginning by Omnipollo at Untappd at Home
Christian is drinking The Beginning by Omnipollo at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Beyond Beer Hamburg
Jan is drinking The Beginning by Omnipollo at Untappd at Home
Jeffrey van der Heide is drinking The Beginning by Omnipollo at Untappd at Home
Lisanne Nijen Es is drinking The Beginning by Omnipollo
Purchased at De Bierstudio
Thomas Hansen is drinking The Beginning by Omnipollo at TÆPS
Lynne Tavender is drinking The Beginning by Omnipollo at Mikkeller at Morebeer
Joel Udd is drinking The Beginning by Omnipollo at Kungsholmens Pizzeria
Marcus Lennartsson is drinking The Beginning by Omnipollo
Mika ABV 8 Point 5 is drinking The Beginning by Omnipollo at Ryssgraven
Jag har sparat på skivomslaget länge för att användas till något speciellt. Utan att veta vad jag tycker om det som jag har i glaset så valde jag omslaget nu. Mjuk, juicig mango, aromatisk, nära humlebränna. Tack Henok & Karl, ni är grymma! Kärlek!
Mika ABV 8 Point 5: I know this is a collaboration, but these guys are pioneers in beer, they experiment and explore, venture forward. And collaboration has been a key word. Keep it up! I (we) love what you do!
Anders Birch is drinking The Beginning by Omnipollo at Untappd at Home
Tony is drinking The Beginning by Omnipollo at LangbØLgen
Andreas Nordseth is drinking The Beginning by Omnipollo at LangbØLgen
Jørn A is drinking The Beginning by Omnipollo at LangbØLgen
Marius Ressem is drinking The Beginning by Omnipollo at Lambertseter kirke
Julie Flordalen is drinking The Beginning by Omnipollo at LangbØLgen