Alex Ek: OMT :D
7% ABV
4,609 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
7% ABV
4,609 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Magnus Johansson is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo
Från Ratebeer november 15
Tom Pagurra is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo at Kesuddens Hantverksbryggeri
BBF 2015
Björn R is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo
Olof Ekelund is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo at Ysunda Brygghus
Edo Van Bree is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo
Borefts 2015: blauwe bessen, nootachtig, caramel, gist. Een iets te experimentele smoothie
Andrine Johansson is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo at Casa De Sockermongot
BL paljett. Bäst före datum finns av en anledning.
Jonas Bertwig is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo at Casa De Sockermongot
Bengt Edvinsson is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo
Rob Stevenaar is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo
Guy Lanteigne is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo
Peter Hansen is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo
Elin Östberg is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo
Gick ut 2016, still going strong 2021!
Simone Rah is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo at Untappd at Home
I really wanted to try this when it was released, but never did. Got the chance now, so I took it. Realized that drinking a smoothie IPA that expired 4 years ago wasn’t the best idea I’ve ever had...
Alex Ek: OMT :D
Simone Rah: Alex E. Hade en härlig gammal ton av krämig wellpapp
Lenny Engberg is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo
Skoj frukostbärs 😂 (reggad 5 år i efterhand)
Markus T is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo
Very late from 2015. Copenhagen. CBC.
From Ratebeer. 09-DEC-2015, bottle @home, from Systembolaget Emporia. Murky red/purple and a low pink head. Nice aroma of vanilla and tart blueberry. Taste the same with fruity hops as well. Citrus, grape fruit, alcohol. Sweet with a little hoppy bittern