Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. label

Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A.


IPA - Milkshake

Total (?) 5,912

Unique (?) 4,854

Monthly (?) 2

You 0

7% ABV



4,609 Ratings

This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.

Part of Magic Numbers, a dreamy small-batch series: 90000 is an IPA brewed with bilb Show More
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Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo

Jesper Hammerstrøm is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo

From Ratebeer. 09-DEC-2015, bottle @home, from Systembolaget Emporia. Murky red/purple and a low pink head. Nice aroma of vanilla and tart blueberry. Taste the same with fruity hops as well. Citrus, grape fruit, alcohol. Sweet with a little hoppy bittern

Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo

Björn R is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo


Local Flavor Earned the Local Flavor badge! Middle of the Road (Level 32) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 32) badge!
Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo

Edo Van Bree is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo

Borefts 2015: blauwe bessen, nootachtig, caramel, gist. Een iets te experimentele smoothie

Draft Draft

Swedish Brews  (Level 32) Earned the Swedish Brews (Level 32) badge!
Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo

Andrine Johansson is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo at Casa De Sockermongot

Bottle Bottle

BL paljett. Bäst före datum finns av en anledning.

Haze for Days (Level 52) Earned the Haze for Days (Level 52) badge! Shake it Up! Earned the Shake it Up! badge!
Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo

Jonas Bertwig is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo at Casa De Sockermongot

Relativt trasig och gammal, men inte så illa som dom andra tyckte. 😆

Bottle Bottle

Tagged Friends
Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo

Peter Hansen is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo

Middle of the Road (Level 42) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 42) badge! I Believe in IPA! (Level 25) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 25) badge!
Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo

Simone Rah is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

I really wanted to try this when it was released, but never did. Got the chance now, so I took it. Realized that drinking a smoothie IPA that expired 4 years ago wasn’t the best idea I’ve ever had...

Middle of the Road (Level 67) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 67) badge! Swedish Brews (Level 70) Earned the Swedish Brews (Level 70) badge!
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Check-in Photo

Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo

Markus T is drinking a Magic #90000 - Bilberry Smoothie I.P.A. by Omnipollo

Very late from 2015. Copenhagen. CBC.

Taster Taster

Haze for Days (Level 58) Earned the Haze for Days (Level 58) badge!

Check-in Photo

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