Kaineken Citra label

Kaineken Citra


Non-Alcoholic - Pale Ale

Total (?) 814

Unique (?) 771

Monthly (?) 23

You 0

0.5% ABV



711 Ratings

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Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

Hiihtoneuvos is drinking a Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

Pale as the Moon (Level 15) Earned the Pale as the Moon (Level 15) badge!
Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

Jussi Kosonen is drinking a Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

Yhtä vahvaa ku Suomen peli

Bottle Bottle

Photogenic Brew (Level 69) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 69) badge!

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Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

Antti K is drinking a Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut at Untappd at Home

Low Gravity (Level 9) Earned the Low Gravity (Level 9) badge!
Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

Kirsi Tenhunen is drinking a Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

Bottle Bottle

Pale as the Moon (Level 2) Earned the Pale as the Moon (Level 2) badge!
Tagged Friends

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Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

JJ is drinking a Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

Hyvä holiton. Ostaisin uudelleen ainakin jos hinta oli ok (en nyt muista mitä maksoi). 3.00

Bottle Bottle

Pale as the Moon (Level 55) Earned the Pale as the Moon (Level 55) badge!

Check-in Photo

Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

Jimpopo is drinking a Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut at Leipätehtaan sauna, Leipis

Purchased at Prisma

Bottle Bottle

Terviseks! (Level 11) Earned the Terviseks! (Level 11) badge!

Check-in Photo

Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

Juha Kanerva is drinking a Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut at Untappd at Home

Pale as the Moon (Level 27) Earned the Pale as the Moon (Level 27) badge! Low Gravity (Level 14) Earned the Low Gravity (Level 14) badge!
Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

Timo Salsoila is drinking a Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut at Untappd at Home

Aikas litku. Parempia holittomia on juotu useampia, tämä ei todellakaan jatkoon.

Untappd at Home (Level 2) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 2) badge! Pale as the Moon (Level 3) Earned the Pale as the Moon (Level 3) badge!
Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

Roi Lönnqvist is drinking a Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut at Untappd at Home

Citrusy and hoppy

Purchased at Prisma

Bottle Bottle

Pale as the Moon (Level 21) Earned the Pale as the Moon (Level 21) badge! Terviseks! (Level 4) Earned the Terviseks! (Level 4) badge!

Check-in Photo

Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

Sakari Nikkilä is drinking a Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut at saneeraus somppi malminkartano

Bottle Bottle

99 Bottles (Level 36) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 36) badge! Low Gravity (Level 8) Earned the Low Gravity (Level 8) badge! Terviseks! (Level 16) Earned the Terviseks! (Level 16) badge!
Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

Frans Hoeks is drinking a Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut at Kahvila Peura

Mooie bijna 0.0 fijne hopige citrus achter op de tong, en een mooie iets bittere ipa achtige afdronk, net in kight IPA

Bottle Bottle

Pale as the Moon (Level 5) Earned the Pale as the Moon (Level 5) badge!

Check-in Photo

Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

Ilkka is drinking a Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut at Loimalahti

Purchased at Prisma

Bottle Bottle

Pale as the Moon (Level 27) Earned the Pale as the Moon (Level 27) badge!

Check-in Photo

Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut

Aleksi is drinking a Kaineken Citra by Õllenaut at Honkasuo

Bottle Bottle

Low Gravity (Level 10) Earned the Low Gravity (Level 10) badge! Terviseks! (Level 15) Earned the Terviseks! (Level 15) badge!

Check-in Photo

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