5% ABV
10,945 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Wim Pelkmans is drinking a Blanco by Oersoep
on weekend in vlissingen white gold blond colored body with a white head and with a yeast citrus spicy fruity hop aroma a yeast spicy fruity sweet hops taste with a spicy bitter finish RB 2018
Guillaume Maassen is drinking a Blanco by Oersoep at Boules Bites Bar
Simone van Breda is drinking a Blanco by Oersoep at Boules Bites Bar
cas jacobs is drinking a Blanco by Oersoep
Edo Van Bree is drinking a Blanco by Oersoep
April 2015: bloemige hop, muskaatdruiven. Tarwe. Citrus. Karaktervol.
Dav Isra is drinking a Blanco by Oersoep at Untappd at Home
Henk van Gemerden is drinking a Blanco by Oersoep at Untappd at Home
Arnout van Dael is drinking a Blanco by Oersoep at Untappd at Home
Martin Wisse is drinking a Blanco by Oersoep
Tastes like a witbeer, but slightly more bitter