Rye Porter label

Rye Porter

O/O Brewing

Porter - American

Total (?) 1,483

Unique (?) 1,374

Monthly (?) 1

You 0

7% ABV

65 IBU


1,317 Ratings

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Rye Porter by O/O Brewing

Mark van der Heijden is drinking a Rye Porter by O/O Brewing at Baterie (tram)

Coffee, roasted, rye, full, chocolate.

Purchased at Valhalla Beer Club

Can Can

Hopped Up (Level 41) Earned the Hopped Up (Level 41) badge! For the Can (Level 81) Earned the For the Can (Level 81) badge! Swedish Brews (Level 9) Earned the Swedish Brews (Level 9) badge!

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Rye Porter by O/O Brewing

Rikard Åkesson is drinking a Rye Porter by O/O Brewing at Varbergs Ölhall

Can Can

Heavy Weight (Level 83) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 83) badge! Swedish Brews (Level 91) Earned the Swedish Brews (Level 91) badge!

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Rye Porter by O/O Brewing

Hrabren Dobrotić is drinking a Rye Porter by O/O Brewing at Vrbik

Can Can

Aroma is nuts and cardboard, hints of dark chocolate. Flavour is graham, rye bread, a spicy touch, nuts, cardboard, some tartness. Light body, slightly creamy. Light bitterness. Slightly astringent.

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Rye Porter by O/O Brewing

Thomas Junebjörk is drinking a Rye Porter by O/O Brewing at Danne's

Torr, mild med smak av kaffe. Bra.

Can Can

Heavy Weight (Level 17) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 17) badge!

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Rye Porter by O/O Brewing

Stanislav Štěpánek is drinking a Rye Porter by O/O Brewing at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Valhalla Beer Club

Can Can

Untappd at Home (Level 13) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 13) badge! Hopped Up (Level 9) Earned the Hopped Up (Level 9) badge!
Rye Porter by O/O Brewing

Magnus Thimberg is drinking a Rye Porter by O/O Brewing at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Systembolaget Ölstudion

Can Can

Photogenic Brew  (Level 13) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 13) badge! Swedish Brews (Level 10) Earned the Swedish Brews (Level 10) badge!

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Rye Porter by O/O Brewing

Jan Kudláček is drinking a Rye Porter by O/O Brewing at Untappd at Home

Pohodvy porter ze Svedska z pivovaru O/O. Hutna pena ťmava cira mahagonova barva. Ve vuni vyrazne kava, susene fiky. V chuti prazenost, hodne suche relativne utle telo, hezky prechazi do horke koncovky. Fajn pitelne i kdyz to neni zadna libivka.

Purchased at Valhalla Beer Club

Can Can

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Rye Porter by O/O Brewing

Stanislav M is drinking a Rye Porter by O/O Brewing at Untappd at Home

Просто норм. Жареный солод, лёгкая сладость, но послевкусие сухое.

Purchased at Valhalla Beer Club

Bottle Bottle

To The Port (Level 17) Earned the To The Port (Level 17) badge!

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Rye Porter by O/O Brewing

Jannik Petersen is drinking a Rye Porter by O/O Brewing at Untappd at Home

Jojo, det er jo kun tirsdag en gang om ugen 🍻

Can Can

Verified Adventure (Level 23) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 23) badge! For the Can (Level 17) Earned the For the Can (Level 17) badge! To The Port Earned the To The Port badge!
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Check-in Photo

Rye Porter by O/O Brewing

Magnus Westler is drinking a Rye Porter by O/O Brewing

Can Can

Middle of the Road (Level 51) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 51) badge! For the Can (Level 33) Earned the For the Can (Level 33) badge!
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