6.5% ABV
40 IBU
2,088 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
6.5% ABV
40 IBU
2,088 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Hans Jahren is drinking a Solgløtt White IPA by Nøgne Ø
Eirik Orm Øverland is drinking a Solgløtt White IPA by Nøgne Ø at Kvæven
Hytteøl. Har den overlevt? Ja, det har den virkelig!!
Per Leiros is drinking a Solgløtt White IPA by Nøgne Ø at Untappd at Home
Leif Lunde is drinking a Solgløtt White IPA by Nøgne Ø
Aroma banan, sitrus, hvetemalt, humle. Utseende uklar gul med hvitt skum som holder seg lenge. Smak sitrus, banan, humle, malt. Godt øl med fruktig smak og moderat bitterhet, lang fruktig ettersmak.
Christian A. Schjelderup is drinking a Solgløtt White IPA by Nøgne Ø at Südøst Asian Crossover
Damian Haener is drinking a Solgløtt White IPA by Nøgne Ø at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Drinks of the World
Sigbjørn Andresen is drinking a Solgløtt White IPA by Nøgne Ø at Pellestova
Anders Grotterød is drinking a Solgløtt White IPA by Nøgne Ø
Eugene Kuptsov is drinking a Solgløtt White IPA by Nøgne Ø
Benjamin Günther is drinking a Solgløtt White IPA by Nøgne Ø
Patrick Carrière is drinking a Solgløtt White IPA by Nøgne Ø
Malt très goûteux me rappelant du grain mouillé. Unique pour moi. Arôme de miel très léger, amertume en fin de bouche.
Daggis is drinking a Solgløtt White IPA by Nøgne Ø
Torstein Grotteland is drinking a Solgløtt White IPA by Nøgne Ø at Stueland's Apothek
Purchased at Stueland's Apothek
Jørgen Kvinge is drinking a Solgløtt White IPA by Nøgne Ø at Stueland's Apothek
Purchased at Stueland's Apothek
Allan Ødegård is drinking a Solgløtt White IPA by Nøgne Ø at Stueland's Apothek
Purchased at Stueland's Apothek
E Bagge is drinking a Solgløtt White IPA by Nøgne Ø