Jonny Lyons: Get your arse to Dead Crafty Sir 🫡
5.7% ABV
359 Ratings
Mark Gibson is drinking a Citra Springs by Neptune Brewery at Neptune Beer House
Paul Forbes is drinking a Citra Springs by Neptune Brewery
David Atkinson is drinking a Citra Springs by Neptune Brewery at The Grapes
Mouth-watering, juicy / fruity brew, with a welcome hint of honey, but FAR too sessionable for a 5.7% ABV beer. 😮
Purchased at The Grapes
Neil Gibson is drinking a Citra Springs by Neptune Brewery at The One O'clock Gun
Purchased at The One O'clock Gun
Jonny Lyons: Get your arse to Dead Crafty Sir 🫡
adam templeman is drinking a Citra Springs by Neptune Brewery at Pear Tree
Lovely citra taste nearly as good as tank petrol
Purchased at Pear Tree
David Tidmarsh is drinking a Citra Springs by Neptune Brewery at The Market Cat
Purchased at The Market Cat
Jane-Marie Bracchi is drinking a Citra Springs by Neptune Brewery at Harrogate Tap
Ian Simpson is drinking a Citra Springs by Neptune Brewery at Doctor Duncan's
This is very good indeed. Lovely tropical flavours.
Purchased at Doctor Duncan's
Comrade Phil is drinking a Citra Springs by Neptune Brewery
Purchased at The Magnet
Adventures of Hannah and Tom is drinking a Citra Springs by Neptune Brewery at Neptune Beer House
Tim Williams: Hope you've enjoyed your sojourn
Sun, 17 Nov 2024 14:29:51 +0000 Report
Mark Gibson: Been visiting Ormskirk where I used to live!
Sun, 17 Nov 2024 14:59:39 +0000 Report