Frode J: Drikke alkoholfri øl på Craft pub er som å spise salat på Biff resturang 😂
0.5% ABV
1,120 Ratings
Rene is drinking a Simple & Easy by Nepo Brewing
Sondre Bergsvåg Risanger is drinking a Simple & Easy by Nepo Brewing at Apollon Platebar
Jan J is drinking a Simple & Easy by Nepo Brewing at Untappd at Home
Kamil Młynarczyk is drinking a Simple & Easy by Nepo Brewing at Craftownia
Jörg Wachholz is drinking a Simple & Easy by Nepo Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at
Kristoffer Sterndorff is drinking a Simple & Easy by Nepo Brewing
Carolin Heymann is drinking a Simple & Easy by Nepo Brewing at Untappd at Home
Morten Ovi is drinking a Simple & Easy by Nepo Brewing
René Krebber is drinking a Simple & Easy by Nepo Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Meyer Getränke GmbH
JWju is drinking a Simple & Easy by Nepo Brewing
interesting on the nose, but on the palate peaches abound, not bad, but not my thing. without the safeguard of hops bitterness, sweetness takes his place
Purchased at Près de Chez Soi
Dominik Kopecký is drinking a Simple & Easy by Nepo Brewing at Beer Knír
Purchased at Beer Knír
Stacey Marshmallow is drinking a Simple & Easy by Nepo Brewing
Byl citit kokos a pineapply a potesilo me to:)
Purchased at Base Camp Store
Krzysztof Paprocki is drinking a Simple & Easy by Nepo Brewing at Untappd at Home
Smak - półwytrawne, fajnie cytrusowo- trawiaste, nieco kredowe, fajna goryczka z w stronę wysokiej, cytrusowo-piołunowa, z długim i nieco łodygowatym finiszem, ciało lekkie, faktura dość gładka, nasycenie w stronę średniego. Fajne
Simon Dohn is drinking a Simple & Easy by Nepo Brewing
Frode J: Drikke alkoholfri øl på Craft pub er som å spise salat på Biff resturang 😂
Kevin Sivertsen: Frode J. Hahaha ja du har forsåvidt helt rett😂