14% ABV
2,257 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
14% ABV
2,257 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Nicklas Nilsson is drinking a Medicare For All, Now by Modern Times Beer
Linus Norén is drinking a Medicare For All, Now by Modern Times Beer at Lerum Lambic Land
André Gunnarsson is drinking a Medicare For All, Now by Modern Times Beer at Lerum Lambic Land
Jens is drinking a Medicare For All, Now by Modern Times Beer at Lerum Lambic Land
Wow, magi 🤩
Robin Brunnsäng is drinking a Medicare For All, Now by Modern Times Beer at Lerum Lambic Land
Purchased at Lerum Lambic Land
Nick Paulissen is drinking a Medicare For All, Now by Modern Times Beer at Brouwery 'T Rovershol
Purchased at Brouwery 'T Rovershol
Chris Ballowe is drinking a Medicare For All, Now by Modern Times Beer at A Beer Club Bottles and Taps
Purchased at A Beer Club Bottles and Taps
Matt is drinking a Medicare For All, Now by Modern Times Beer
Aroma is full of big bourbon barrels, gentle coconut, some brandy, vanilla, and a touch of smoked meat. Flavour is full of coconut, brandy, bourbon barrels, dark dried fruits, a touch of vanilla. Finishes with lots of coconut, bourbon & brandy. Excellent.
Bo Lavens is drinking a Medicare For All, Now by Modern Times Beer at Pictoman Dégustation Lounge
Dark brown, no head. This has a lot of vanilla, with a rich barrel character. Getting coconut, vanilla, complex barrel. Super rich. This is absolutely wonderful.
Sergiy B is drinking a Medicare For All, Now by Modern Times Beer at Pictoman Dégustation Lounge
22oz (thx, Brian S.!). A: very dark brown with almost no head. A: a lot of coconut, chocolate, sweet, bold. T: along the same lines, moderately to highly sweet, a lot of coconut and chocolate, some dark fruits. M: 5 O: very nice one. 848517=42
T P is drinking a Medicare For All, Now by Modern Times Beer at Untappd at Home
headless but delicious nonetheless.
Jann Peterson is drinking a Medicare For All, Now by Modern Times Beer at sanctuary
Bob P is drinking a Medicare For All, Now by Modern Times Beer at Untappd at Home
Daniel Ross is drinking a Medicare For All, Now by Modern Times Beer at Untappd at Home
Javier Valle is drinking a Medicare For All, Now by Modern Times Beer
Danny Kuijten is drinking a Medicare For All, Now by Modern Times Beer at Untappd at Home